King's Business - 1947-10

worldling, as an outlet for sinful desires. Let us do all to the glory of God. W e S hould D o A ll T h in g s in The Christian bears the name of his Lord because he is married to Him (Rom. 7 :4 ). The fortunate woman who is married to a king behaves as a -queen should. The wife of the president of an institution will live so that no reproach will fall upon the honorable name that H is N a m e C ol . 3:17

not hinder the spiritual life. They should know how to relax and have fun without hindering their walk with God. Good games provide such an outlet. W e S hould D o A ll T hings in G odly F ear H eb . 12:28 Since we must some day report to the Captain of our salvation and must meet the Lord of the harvest and appear be­ fore the God of our lives, it behooves us to see that the hours we spend in recre­ ation will not bring shame to our faces and sorrow to our hearts when we meet Him. We should never let fun or sport be our master and command our time and money. We should be the master of all such incidents in our lives. We should control the time we spend in seeking fun so that pleasure is made to serve us in a way that will bring a blessing to our hearts and lives. We should never be obsessed with a craving for any type of fun or sport. Let these serve only to revive and refresh us for the great service of the King. It is, indeed, an honor to be called to the service of the King. We are entrust­ ed with the message of His mercy. We are ambassadors among His enemies. How needful it is that we maintain con­ stantly an attitude of praise and wor­ ship for the King whom we serve by His grace. We serve among the lost and thank God for a great gospel. We serve Christians and praise God for His gen­ erous provision. We serve among the doubters and are thankful for the cer­ tainty of the Word of God. We serve among the children and praise the Lord who calls them to His arms. We serve among those who despise and are thank­ ful that some day our Lord will rule over the earth. We serve and sing as we pray and praise. Thus our ministry and message are made attractive and hearts are won to that blessed fountain of eter­ nal joy. W e S hould G ive with • T hanksgiving 2 C or . 9:11 Since the Lord loves a “ hilarious” giver who can shout and sing as he gives, what a privilege it is to be con­ stantly giving while glorifying His Name. We sing because we are honored with the privilege of giving. We sing because we see the blessed effects of our giving. We worship because we see great need relieved by our giving. We rejoice because we may have a part in the great work of saving souls. We sing be­ cause we have been invited to share with the Lord of glory in His work among men. The church goes forward on two legs—GO and GIVE. As the T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S W e S hould S erve with T hanksgiving P sa . 100:4

she bears. So it should be with the pleas­ ures in which the Christian indulges. The believer should always be able to wear on the forehead in full view of all the name of Jesus. One would hardly ex­ pect that name to be found in question­ able places. The Christian should engage only in those pleasures which will bring no dishonor to the lovely Name by which he is called. W e S hould D o A ll T hings H eartily as to the L ord C ol . 3:23 Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. If any pleasure is proper and good for the Christian, he should enter into it heartily, gladly, and enthusiasti­ cally. If, on the other hand, it is doubt­ ful, it should be avoided completely. There are many games Christians can play which refresh the mind, relax the body, and bring enjoyment to the heart. There are many books filled with interesting games. Every Christian group should have books of this nature to gratify their desire for clean fun. Christians should learn how to have recreation which will I T seems to be one of the great de­ sires of God to hear the voice of praise and expression of gratitude from His children. He complains in Romans 1:21 that the people were unthankful. This is characteristic of apostasy in our day. In thè restaurant one rarely sees a head bowed in gratitude for the meal. A t bedtime comparatively few kneel to praise God for His goodness. When Jo­ nah prayed and gave thanks in his trou­ ble, he was immediately delivered. The descriptions of heaven in Revelation are fragrant with praise and worship. A thankful spirit produces a gracious atti­ tude. Praise mingled with prayer is ef­ fectual. Praise and thanksgiving are connected with soul winning. Let us cul­ tivate this spirit of bringing joy to the heart of God. W e S hould P ray with T hanksgiving P hil . 4:6 In things connected with this world we show gratitude for blessings received. We express our thanks to those who serve us. How much more should it be true in connection with spiritual mat­ ters! God is very good. He is constantly supplying us with the blessings of life freely and abundantly. He has made rich provision for the welfare of our souls for eternity and of our bodies for this life. Our hearts should ascend to Him with a full measure of thanksgiving. Psalm 100 is an expression of the de­ sire of God’s heart for us. As we pray, we should be thankful for answers al­ ready received and for the assurance of His promise to give more. As we pray for deliverance, we should be grateful for past victories. Prayer and praise are twins that should never be separated.


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