King's Business - 1947-10

“ I’ll go with Him through the garden,” and “ Where He leads me, I will follow.” Christ is the Shepherd, the Leader, the Captain, the Chief, the Lord. He calls us to be followers o f Himself. He does not call us to be religious. He asks us to listen in order that we may do His commands. We hear that we may obey. We hearken to the call that we may follow Him closely. Many have, heard the Word of God and refused to obey the instruction they heard. When we hear God’s Word preached and expound­ ed it is our duty to put the message in­ to practical use in our lives. I Rev. Carlton C. Buck Idea 1. Appoint a historian j for your Young People’s Society, j who should keep a scrap book of j the activities of the group. Pro- J ] grams, announcements,“ personals” » j and newspaper clippings, illustrat- j J ed with original drawings, will j I make an interesting book to dis- | play on social occasions. j i Id e a 2 . Sometime in November j J give the young people charge of J S a Thanksgiving Prayer Meeting j j to which the entire congregation ¡ • should be invited; this may be j | one o f the regular Wednesday I j evening services. 2 Idea 3. Don’t forget the shut- I j in members of your church and J | community during Thanksgiving j j time. Provide a real treat for ! j them. J j Idea 4. Let the young people j j arrange a party for the children j ! in the congregation. A party from | j the older ones will mean a great j S deal to the little folks. Plan it j j well; pray it through, make it | J good — a never - to - be - forgotten J I event. | Promises made to God should be kept. If we vow a vow, it should be performed. If we give ourselves to the Lord, we should live for the Lord. I f we lay our lives at His feet, we should be devoted to His business. Israel promised to do whatever God commanded. He then gave His law which she broke immediately. Christ tells us of those who said, “ I will go,” but went not. The recording angel notes the promises and the perform­ ances. God remembers whether we ful­ fill our vows and keep our word with Him. He will hold us to opr decision and expects that we will perform accord­ ingly. The Lord enable us to listen in order to do and to carry out His will in our lives. n n n Christians may not be sinless, but they should sin less .—The Tabernacle News. j IT'S AN IDEA i P romise W ithout P erformance J er . 42:2

THROUGH THE BIBLE STUOY Genesis to Revelation, Chapter by Chapter

" 'E y A n y O t h e r N a m e ' Charlotte E. Arnold R ECENTLY in his report, the medical director of a Louisiana hospital de­ rided the use of the word leprosy as odious. He urged that it be called in­ stead Hansen’s Disease. Leprosy of the body typifies sin of the soul. Both leprosy and sin are deep-seated. Both are loath­ some in their outward forms. Both are humanly incurable. Men shun the word leprosy because it represents something odious. Men shun the word sin for the same reason. Yet changing the name does not alter the na­ ture o f sin. For example, modern psy­ chology advocates that parents either ig­ nore. a child’s lie or enter into the role of make-believe with him. The child is not lying, we are told, but is giving ex­ pression to his imagination. Just when the reality and danger of a lie are to be made known, if ever, they do not say. So Satan subtly calls sin by another name to dull our resistance to it. But the Word of God declares: “ Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight” (Prov. 12:22). The only cure for sin is through the Great Physician who said, “ They that be whole need not a physi­ cian, but they that are sick . . . for I am not come to call the righteous, but sin­ ners to repentance” (Matt. 9:12-13). Let us as Christians not follow the world’s example o f minimizing evil. Rather, may we have an increasing sense of the vast difference between right and wrong, between the will o f God and our own choice. As we keep our consciences sensitive to the Spirit’s voice about the things we do and say, we will grow spir­ itually ourselves and will be able to help others who are entrapped by Satan into believing his sophistries. 73— Songs in the Desert— 73 Fourth edition. 73 soul-inspiring, devotional, evangelistic, missionary specials— solos, duets, choruses, anthems. Sung by thousands around the world. In artistic leatherette cover. One copy 65c; 2 copies $1.00 C . E. RANCK, PUBLISHER 900 N. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles 27 A fruitful ministry of evangelism and Scripture distribution supported by free-will offerings. Send for free Quarterly with news ■ 1 1 ^ ||ji 1 of work in U. S. and China to: National Headquarters Pocket Testament League 156 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORE 10, N. Y. 5,000 ?SS WANTED to sell Bibles* Testaments, good books, hand­ some Scripture mottoes, Scripture calendars, greeting cards. Good commission. Send for free catalog and price-list. George W . Noble, The Christian Co. Dept. 7-C, Pontiac Bldg., Chicago 5. III.

Dr. Harlin J. Roper, Pastor Scofield Memorial Church For Sunday Schools, Bible Classes, Young People’s and Missionary Societies, Vaca­ tion Bible Schools, Prayer Meetings and Home Study. Samples 20c ; 4 grades 75c Complete set $3.60

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Be sure to read the article on Page eight. QflßUk.

iACTIVITY BOOKS ¿ySTMtyZP NOW READY FOR FALL The first of a delightful new series of twenty books of fascinating activity work for every child, from the youngest begin­ ners to eight-year-olds, for Sunday school or home use. Pages associated with Bible stories include references and verses to learn. Thanksgiving and Christmas em­ phasis make these ideal gift books. BEGINNERS’ two books are entitled “Let’s Make Something” and “Let’sWork a While” ; many pictures to be colored; figures to cut out and mount, and posters and scenes to complete. 16 pages each. Price, 15c a copy. PRIMARY’S three books are entitled “Saying Thank You,” “Learning Things” and “Choosing the Right” ; profusely illustrated; varied activities, including things to make, games to play, facts to learn, stories, poems, quizzes, etc... . 32 pages each. Price, 25c a copy. Other books are on the way, remember I But order these five now. All 8% x ll inches. Order from your bookstore, or write our Desk 93 for complete catalogue. 5 WORK AND PLAY BOOKS

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