King's Business - 1947-10

¿ J / s e / / . 'ßütiöüttaößa/ufa GOOD BOOKS AND BIBLES ^ *A dignified way to make extra money in full or i y i 1\\\ BPar®time selling our attractive selection of reli- I \\ \ \ ' «ioua books and greeting cards. Also complete KDFi f \ \\ of Bibles and Children’s Books. 50 CARDS FOR ONLY $1.00. Rush name today. WESTERN ART STUDIOS ' Dept. 69- RC 257 S. Spring St.v Los Angeles 12, Cal. CHURCH BULLETINS Scriptural— Artistically Designed Large Assortment— Self Selection Lithographed— Special Days General Use Be Sure to Get Our Free Catalog and Samples ECCLESIASTICAL ART PRESS Dept. K Louisville 12, Ky.

For the Children T h e C o u r a g e o f P e t e r a n d J o h n (1 J o h n 4:16-18; A c t s 4:1-13) M e m o r y V e r s e : “ The Lord is my helper . . . I will not fear” (Heb. 13:6). Peter and John were in prison. They had not killed, or stolen, or done evil; they had preached that Jesus was the Son of God, and that He had risen from the dead! Peter and John in God’s power had healed a lame man. When the leaders and rulers of the Jews asked these two disciples how they had per­ formed the miracle, rather than taking the glory for themselves, they boldly witnessed for their Lord. The rulers were surprised at the courage of these two men. They realized that the men were friends of Jesus, and that He had given them the courage to confess, and serve Him. Those who truly love the Lord Jesus Christ have no fear of what others may | A CALL FOR PRAYER HELPERS j | Prayer is work; prayer works; S j prayer leads to work. The most i J effective work that any man can j J do is to pray, because prayer { | moves the arm of God. J Will you be a prayer helper for I | the'Bible Institute of Los Angeles? j J Put this great institution on your j ■ prayer list. j | We will gladly send you our I ¡ monthly Biola World-Wide Prayer j Circle letter. Address: i Miss Christina J. Braskamp, j 558 So. Hope Street, I Los Angeles 18, Calif. j i I_______________________________________ I do to them. “ There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear.” With the almighty God as our Helper, we need never fear the actions or words of any­ one. God may not always choose to keep His children from danger or harm, but He will alwavs give to them the cour­ age that they need to follow Him and to walk in His way. The Jewish rulers knew from the dis­ ciples’ words and actions that they had been with the Saviour. Has anyone learned by your words and actions that you know the Saviour? The jokes that you tell, the songs that you sing, the books and magazines that you read, the places to which you go, the friends whom you have, the language that you use— everything in your life should tell others that you are a child of the King. The Holy Spirit will give to you the courage to honor your Lord no matter what it may cost you.

"Making Christ known till He Come" Earn Extra Money Selling LIFETIME GOSPEL GIFTS LUMINOUS CROSS — GOSPEL PHOTO LOCKET. KEY CHAIN— BIBLE TEXT POST­ AGE STAMP WALLET. Write for FREE sample wallet and money-making oppor­ tunities. Gospel Pencil Co., P.O. Box 38, Gracie Sta.. New York 28, N. Y. C T B M M C D ) so-called "speech con- WJLnlwllvlJuiXi ■ !rol" methods do not remove the cause of stuttering. Stop doing the things which interfere with speech, and you will talk normally. Write for further information today. C. H. SCHROY PSYCHOLOGICAL and SPEECH COURSE Dept. KB, 1816 W . 5th St., Los Angeles 5

Do Not Fail to Read the First of Dr. Talbot’s Articles on the Prophecies of Ezekiel on Page 6. mm f e M



N E W L I F E T O Bible Stories This Series of 18 Subjects Projects the Great Stories of Both Testaments in Living Pictures as Thrilling as the Television Screen!

paper backed with a suede finish that sticks firmly to flannelgraph boards. These pictures illustrate the characters, animals, trees and objects associated with each Bible story in such a way that the PICTURES GROW as the STORY UNFOLDS. Each Suede-Graph in­ cludes appropriate wordings for the narra­ tive, in two SEPARATE versions specially prepared for each age group. Suede-Graphs are conveniently bound in book form, 9x12" size, and can be used again and again for several years.

Teaching Primary-Juniors and Beginners classes is a job that demands the highest inspiration, the most skillful technique, and the finest visual equipment you can bring to bear upon this ’ Holy task! Don't stand in God's way. by neglecting to provide effec­ tive PICTURE material that eyes may SEE as well as ears HEAR the stories of Creation, Daniel, Joseph, Samuel, Moses, Christmas, Easter, The Prodigal, Samaritan, and so many others. Each Suede-Graph comprises dozens of life­ like natural color cut out pictures on heavy

Pick out your favorite Bible story subjects and order one or more Suede-Graphs for Trial in your Sunday School. Check coupon below for convenience, and mail today! Dept. KBF-107 Please rush Postpaid by return mail Suede-Graphs checked below at $1.25 each. Total amount enclosed $_______________________ t__ ( ) Creation ( ) Samuel ( ) Daniel ( ) David ( ) Gideon ( ) Joseph the Dreamer ] ) Joseph in Egypt ( ) Moses ( ) Noah ( ) Christmas ( ) Easter ( ) Feeding 5000 j Samaritan ( ) Peter ( ) Phillipian Jailor ( ) Prodigal ( ) Triumphal Entry I ( ) Zacchaeus .Name________ _______________ _________________________________________________________ ___________________

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