King's Business - 1947-10

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 5 CENTS PER WORD— MINIMUM $1.00 CASH PAID FOR YOUR BOOKS. SEND a list or write for details. W e reimburse shipping cost. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids 6, Mich. BAPTISTA SOUND FILM S: NOW IS THE Time, Door to Heaven, Rapture; half price. A. W . English, 818 So. Putney, San Gabriel, Calif. BIBLES, BOOKS, REBOUND, REPAIRED. 20 years’ experience. Send for prices. Bible Hospital, 1001 South Harwood, Dallas 1, Texas. te"'--— ---------------------------------------------:--------------------------- BIBLE FILMSTRIPS (600 PICTURES) $24. Also, projectors, filmstrips. _ See our other adver­ tisement on this page. Christian Education Com­ pany, Dept. K, Box 31, Highland, 111. SHEET MUSIC— 35 CENTS EACH, POSTPAID: “ In Memoriam”— “ T w ilight” — “Harps of Gold”— 2 anthems— two 4-page folders (6 songs) 35 cents. Radio broadcasts. Frank Cottingham, 532 Ryerson, Elgin, 111. N EW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN AN Y quantity for distribution to the unsaved: “What Have YOU Done With CHRIST?” “The Most Important Question of Today,” “Judge or Sav­ iour,” “The Resurrected Body,” “ Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the WORLD’S HISTORY.” Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broad­ way, Pittsburg, Kans. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SETTING for your hym n-poem , assures editorial considera­ tion. Music composing, arranging, editing, and printing. Folders free. Raym ond Iden (K. B.) Mount Vernon, Ohio. YOUR FAVORITE BIBLICAL SCENE BEAU- tifully painted in oils. Minimum size 15"x20", $25.00., Send only clear print or copy, enclosing $10.00 ’ to cover material and handling costs, to 11954 Anza Avenue, Hawthorne, Calif. OUT - OF - PRINT PROTESTANT CHRISTIAN Books found. Postage paid. Inquiries invited. For Sale: Pember’s “Earth’s Earliest Ages,” $3.00; Chas. Finney’s “Revival Lectures,” $2.25; Farrar’s “ Life of Christ,” $3.00. Henry Rising, 1054 In­ graham St., Los Angeles 14, Calif. 12 FREE TRACTS FOR YOU . WRITE TO Rural Evangelization, Inc., 2895 Mataro St., Pasa­ dena 8, Calif. STRENGTHEN CHRISTIAN HOMES BY IN - troducing The Christian Parent, monthly parent magazine on Bible basis (includes daily devotions for children) $2.00 year. The Children's Hour, weekly paper with stories that help children love Jesus, 50 cents a year, less in quantity. Same price, Little Folks Story Time for children from 3 to 8. See our other advertisement on this page. Christian Education Company, Dept K, Box 31, Highland, 111. LADIES, ARE YOU RAISING MONEY? DIPSY Doozy, a handlike laundry stick is a natural for sale by women’s organizations. It has instant appeal to all women, great utility, and is taking the country by storm. FREE SAMPLE sent to organizational officers. Write postcard for sample and quotations to : STAGEBERG MFG. COM­ PAN Y, Dept. K, 4421 W . 28th Street, Minneapolis 16, Minn. SOUND SCRIPTURAL TRACTS. IDEAL FOR pastors and personal workers, 400 for $1. Scrip­ ture Tract Society, Box 64, Marcus Hook, Pa. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR OUT-OF-PRINT AND hard-to-find theological books ? W e have thousands. W e also purchase Religious libraries. Top prices paid. Write for Catalog. Theological Book Serv­ ice, 3914 Germantown Ave., Phila. 40, Pa. W IL L DEAD MEN LIVE AG A IN ? 127-PAGE book 20c postpaid. P.O. Box 446-K, Minneapolis, Minn. COLLECTION PLATES MADE FROM BEAUTI- ful plastic. Guaranteed satisfaction, $6.00 per pair. Write to : World Wide Collection Plate Com­ pany, Fairfield, Ala. Page Thirty

This letter came recently from the field: “W e have opened. the new church in Granollers, (Barcelona). The interest was immense. It suffices to say that a man told our evangelist, Don Aurelio, T entered this chapel an atheist and went out a believer. I will not miss any meeting’.” Prayerfully support this faith work. SPANISH CHRISTIAN MISSION North American Headquarters Rev. Zacarías P. Carles, B. A., L.Th., S.C.T., Founder and Director THE RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION Besides supporting missionaries in many countries and sending relief to the suffering Christians and missionaries, we are distributing gospel literature in the Russian, Ukrainian and Polish languages where Slavic colonies are located. This has proved to be a great blessing and souls have been saved. Since 1935 we have been publishing a magazine in the Russian language which contains^ Sunday School lessons used by many church groups and individuals. W e were also able to distribute some Gospels, New Testaments and Bibles. Great demands continue. coming to us _from Europe, North and South America for more gospel literature. Pray and send your contribution to the RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION, INC . Peter Deyneka, Director 64 W . Randolph St. Dept. K Chicago 1, Illinois Pray for Peter Deyneka, who is now in Germany preaching in displaced persons camps and in German youth rallies. He will also visit Poland, Czechoslovakia and other European countries. 3 Hillsboro Avenue Toronto 5, Canada

Make your teaching of Bible truths more effective by using the EYE to reach the HEART! GOSPEL-GRAPHS are sets of dramatic object lessons for use on flannelgraph boards. They drive home vital points in Christian Living and Character Development by giving pupils simple and interesting things to SEE and to DO. This helps the teacher gain attention and hold interest. Each kit comprises over 50 cut-out pictures in full colors, up to 8 V 2 " high, to be cut out and backed with flannel. Covers 13 complete lesson p e riod s...a full three months of Sunday School work. The cost is insignificantly small, and each kit can be used again and again. Check subjects on coupon below and TRY Gospel-Graphs in your Sunday School next week! Please send Gospel-Graphs as checked below. Check or Money Order for $____________________________________ ($1.25 each) is enclosed. Christian Living No. 2R1105 ( ) Life Temples No. 2R1108 DEPT. KBG-107 ) Sowing & Reaping No. 2R1100 ) Christians Two Natures No. 2R1106

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