King's Business - 1947-10

SACRED PIANO SOLOS "There's a W ideness in God's Mercy"


"Blessed Be the Fountain" "Safe in the Arms of Jesus"

saving her children from starvation. Everywhere we meet with such touching expressions of gratitude on the part of Hebrew Christians who suffered unbe­ lievable cruelties under the Nazi regime and who by the mercy of God have sur­ vived. The homelessness, suffering and hunger in Germany is beyond description. The Mayor of Vienna says his city has reached a peak of misery unknown before. We must in­ crease our efforts to save Jewish Christians from starvation. Please do help us! $ 5.00 will pay for a nutrition food parcel. $10.00 will pay for a big CARE food par­ cel. $10.00 will support an orphan child for a month. A folder of “ News Letters From Hebrew Christians in Europe” sent on request.

T h is m essa ge is penned in Germany. I have visited Ber­ lin, H a m b u r g , Frankfurt and other German cities where we are helping sur­ v i v i n g H e b r e w Christians who have returned from the C o n c e n t r a t i on Camps. A f t e r ad­ dressing a meeting in one city a lady whose husband was exterminated by the Nazis, p o i n t e d to

Classical arrangements. Original introductions. Rich harmoniesj Brilliant cadenzas. Modula­ tions. Chimes. Suitable for Radio performance. Each, 35c. A L L THREE FOR $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles 13, Calif. W h ere P rayer P reva ils Train for needed Christian service at this growing Bible School—>“built with prayer.’* The good climate and mountain scenery of the famed Columbia River are an added inspira­ tion. Accredited courses, FREE tuition, strong faculty, devoted student body. Ask for catalog. Interesting Monthly Sent Free io* a Year to All Inquirers M u l t n o m a h School of the B I B L E Willard M . Aldrich, Th.D., President B. B. Sutcliffe, D.D. John G. Mitchell, D.D. Chairman of Trustee Board Vice-President 703 N.E. Multnomah St., Portland 12, Ore. "A Drowning Man" Suffering men, people in despair, will cling to anything which promises a way out of their affliction. Satan takes advan­ tage of human distress. Men become easy victims of teachings which are against God and His Anointed. Only Christ can save them. Will you help us proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ to the tortured Remnant of Israel, scattered across the face of the earth? Will you help us bring the Gospel of salvation and comfort to men, women, and children, weary unto death? Will you help us make the love of Christ real to them, by caring for their wasted and brok­ en bodies through giving aid to them? $10.00 will provide a substantial CARE food parcel to supplement the starvation rations of Hebrew Christian or Jewish families in Poland, Germany, Austria, Roumania, or elsewhere. We need your prayerful fellowship to maintain the world-wide ministry of this Society with its many activities, which bring the love, mercy and comfort of the Lord Jesus Christ into the weary and de- spoildent lives of God’s ancient people. THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL MISSIONARY AND RELIEF SOCIETY, INC. 728-K Witherspoon Building Philadelphia 7, Pa. President, Joseph M. Steele Treasurer, Dr. Joseph T. Britan General Secretary, Rev. Victor Buksbazen Treasurer for Canada: Rev. P. S. Dobson, M .A ., D.D. Principal, Alma College St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada Our quarterly bulletin ISRAEL M Y GLORY sent to all contributors and also on request Your gifts , small or targe , will be gratefully received. In answering advertisements, please mention The King’s Business.

The Rev. Jacob Peltz

her two boys and little girl and said: “ You have sent us the clothing they are wearing. They were weak and undernour­ ished before your food parcels came!” This Hebrew Christian widow broke into tears as she attempted to thank us for

Address gifts and communications to International Hebrew Christian Alliance Rev. Jacob Peltz, Ph.B., B.D ., Secretary U.S.A. Canada 4919 N. Albany Ave. Dept. B 91 Bellevue Ave. Chicago 25, Illinois Toronto, Ontario

but the future holds no financial worries when you have an American Bible Society Annuity Agreement. In the more than 100 years the Ameri­ can Bible Society has operated its Annuity Agreement Plan, it has met and triumphed over every world condition— depression, in­ flation, deflation, civil strife, world war. For no matter what conditions prevail, pay­ ments as high as 7% are sent out promptly twice a year without fail, bringing finan­ cial security and longer life to thousands. Let us tell you of this remarkable plan which has worked so long without a single loss to any annuity holder—and which en-

titles you to certain tax exemptions. In addition to peace of mind, you also enjoy the satisfaction of helping in the world­ wide distribution of the Bible. Send for the interesting booklet, “ A Gift That Lives,” which tells how you can give and receive generously at the same time.

American Bible Society, 45 0 Park Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. □ Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-85 entitled “A Gift That Lives.” □ I enclose $................for the world-wide distribution of the Scriptures.

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O C T O B E R , 1947

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