King's Business - 1947-10

Israel’s Messiah Proclaimed “And Moses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the children of Israel: And Aaron spake all the words which the Lord had spoken unto Moses, and did the signs in the sight of the people. And the people believed; and when they heard that the Lord had visited the children affliction, then they bowed 31. of Israel, and that he had looked upon their their heads and tvorshipped” Exodus 4 :2 9 , 30,

In our witness to the Jewish people, we inform them that Almighty God accomplished greater signs and wonders than Moses and Aaron performed, when God’s Son, Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, came down as God Incarnate in flesh, conceived o f the Holy Spirit, healed the lepers, restored sight to the blind, stilled the storms on the waves, arose from the dead, conquering the world, the flesh, the devil and death, and that God expects the Jewish people today to have faith and believe in the living God by the great miracle o f redemption through the shed blood o f our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, as an atonement for their sinful goul.

Mr. Daniel Rose, Director Jewish Department

The following experiences took place in our personal work with Jewish people. Mr. Daniel Rose, director o f the Jewish department, prayed for some o f his family of rela­ tives more than forty years that they might know our Blessed Lord Jesus as Saviour, keeping in constant touch with them through personal letters, Jewish Evangelism tracts, praying himself and causing others to pray. He is now seeing God’s hand work in a marvelous way. Letter after letter comes back from his relatives with many encouraging statements indicat­ ing the seed o f the Gospel has been implanted in their hearts. A nephew, David Rose, more than 70 years o f age, who lives in Kentucky, made an acceptance o f our blessed Lord as Saviour when Mr. Rose called him by long distance on the telephone, being desirous o f hearing the voice o f his nephew. Our brother pointed out the danger o f rejecting God’s truth after one has heard o f the glorious Gospel. The nephew o f our brother replied, “ Uncle Dan, I have already accepted Christ and believe in Him as my Saviour and your voice sounds as though an angel were speaking to me.” We can be sure that tears filled the eyes o f both Mr. Rose and his nephew, and we rejoice in this one o f the seed o f Abra­ ham being born into God’s Kingdom.

A dear Christian nurse gave us the name o f a Jewish man whom she had the privilege o f nursing back to health. She gave her faithful witness concerning our Lord Jesus, leaving the name and address with us in order that we might visit him in his home. Our missionary arrived at the address given and found this Jewish man convalescing in bed. When the nurse’s name was mentioned, immediately a ready invitation was given to come in. As our missionary explained the way o f salvation through Christ, showing prophecies from the Old Testament together with their fulfillment in the New Testa­ ment, the wife o f this dear man said, “W e occasionally go to the synagogue, we give charity, we light candles and pray the prescribed prayers given in our prayer book.” W e asked these'dear Jewish people who built the synagogue, who made the candles and the matches that light them, and who wrote the prescribed prayers that they prayed? They answered, “ Man built the synagogue, man made the candles and the matches that light them, and the prayers were written by the rabbis.” Then came our witness that if they would accept in their hearts the Lord Jesus Christ, God would light a candle in their heart, and they would be the temple o f the living God not made with man’s hands, and that the Holy Spirit would cause them to pray from their hearts to the living God.

Many other experiences of actual conversion taking place in Jewish hearts could he recorded. The ministry of the Jewish Department includes street-meeting work— going into Jewish districts from home to home, hospital and business district visitation, a nation-wide tract work by mail, and public mass meetings. Each Sunday a radio program is broadcast over KFOX, Los Angeles, at 2:00 p.m. Jewish people come to our office, Room 408 in the Bible Institute building, and after Old Testament and New Testament Scripture are given, to which is added personal testimony and prayer, many of them have the seed of the Gospel sown in their hearts, and on quite a number of occasions have fully received our blessed Lord as Saviour. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn □

S Mr. Daniel Rose, Director n JEWISH DEPARTMENT

q Bible Institute o f Los Angeles D (and Church o f the Open Door) H 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, California 5 Please send me, without obligation, your folder describing min- n istry o f the Jewish Department. □ n 5 N am e .......................................................................................................................... □ n , § Address ..................................................................................................................... D n ■ I City .........................................................................S ta te .......................................


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