Rock Your Role - Issue 3

eX: What influenced these changes?

apple-to-apples comparison. I think our financial advisors who work with clients to change habits and learn about personal finance can understand where we’re coming from. teX: What factors do you see shaping the way employee experience evolves in the next decade? Lina: Certainly technology will shape the way we learn at work. AI will make the right learning available in the right amount at the right time, automation should free us up for more strategic work, and VR/AR is open for collaborative and simulation possibilities. The biggest factor shaping the next 10-20 years, however, will actually be more internal. We will become more aware of our learning needs and develop higher demands on our learning experiences, the same way we de- mand more from other experiences. Informal learning - learning organically on the job - is a big area I haven’t seen much activity in but is extremely ripe. How do we learn how to learn when the opportunity presents itself at work?

Lina: Companies used to “manage talent” with a more top-down authority, however, those that resisted, who gave more auton- omy to their employees saw success. The efficacy of autonomy, coupled with advancing technology and user-centricity really cata- lyzed this transformation. The overall speed of change and work plays a major role too; there’s hubris in the thought you can create exceptional learning experiences in import- ant areas and keep pace with updates. It’s far more effective to offer a mix of curated, spon- sored, and in-house work. eX: Where does the comparison end? What separates EX from say CX or PX/FX? Lina: EX is built on many of the frameworks that our teams use - design thinking, da- ta-driven decision making, thinking, as Aditi brought up at our last report out, of our au- dience as humans and catching them where they are, not bringing them to us. What’s fundamentally different from other depart- ments is that learning is this complex process with lots of human variables: motivation, relevance, perception, prior knowledge, appli- cation, context. It’s not entirely an

“We will become more aware of our learning needs and de- velop higher demands on our learning experiences, the same way we demand more from other experiences.”

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