Forward OKC VI


F O R WA R D O K C A M P L I F I E S T H E 2 5 - Y E A R T R A N S F O R M A T I O N O F O K C

• Grown its annual average wage by 111 PERCENT . • Added more than 121,500 JOBS to its goods-producing and service- providing industries. • Grown its bank deposits from FDIC-insured institutions in the Oklahoma City metro area by $24.3 BILLION , from $9.6 billion in 1995 to $33.9 billion in 2019. Through its targeted approach, Forward OKC has amplified the growth of the Oklahoma City region, and will continue to do so as we launch the sixth campaign to benefit the region.

Since 1995, when the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber launched its first Forward OKC campaign, the Greater Oklahoma City region has: • Increased its labor force (ages 16 and older) by more than 30 PERCENT . • Added 380,000 PEOPLE to its population.

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