E N H A N C E O U R E D U C A T I O N O U T C O M E S Advocate for nationally competitive education standards in Oklahoma and for reforms and funding to support their success. Drive community support of Oklahoma City Public Schools and it outcomes through the OKC Schools Compact. E N G A G E I N C A M PA I G N S A N D P U B L I C P O L I C Y A C T I V I T I E S Campaign for continued investment in Oklahoma City’s infrastructure and quality of life; and work to improve Oklahoma City’s business climate and competitive position for jobs and investment to enhance our education outcomes. A D V O C A C Y & I N I T I A T I V E S
From championing local education reform to influencing pro-business public policy, the advocacy work done at every level of government is critical to the success of the Greater Oklahoma City region. This five-year program anticipates the continued shift of the political climate by focusing on grassroots initiatives, building partnerships and coalition development around important issues. I M P R O V E T H E B U S I N E S S C L I M A T E Strengthen Oklahoma City’s overall business climate with special emphasis on a competitive position for key industry sectors, including aerospace and defense, bioscience, and energy. Bolster Oklahoma City’s competitive position for the recruitment and development of talent. Increase business community awareness of pro-business and anti-business actions of legislators. Build relationships with pro-business elected officials. Identify and pursue the election of candidates on the legislative and local level who will support the Chamber’s priorities.
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