Forward OKC VI

H OW D O W E M E A S U R E S U C C E S S ? Forward Oklahoma City is measured by outcomes and specific program metrics. These measures track back to the program’s topline goals; diversifying the economy, growing our workforce, improving our reputation and improving our quality of life. • Community Indicators and Outcomes – How are our efforts enhancing the region? We track and benchmark: economic diversity, growth rate of establishments, percent of firms and jobs from startups, patent production, population growth, growth in wages, educational attainment, GDP, household income, income distribution, R&D spending and growth rate of jobs. • Program Metrics – For each program, a detailed set of metrics and activity measures determine the effectiveness of the work and the return on investment. Measures include survey data, overall activity and program results. Topline goals for these outcomes, as well as program metrics, are set by the Forward Oklahoma City Management Steering Committee when fundraising is complete and the final program of work is approved. These metrics will be monitored on a quarterly basis and provided to investors annually.

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