Forward OKC VI

F O R WA R D O K L A H O M A C I T Y WO R K S In the beginning, Forward Oklahoma City was created to lift our city out of a long-term deep economic recession and set the course for a rebirth. With 25 years of investment by the business community, and relentless execution in targeted programs Oklahoma City has enjoyed a dramatic reinvention – and the city we know today is forever changed. Now the stage is set for a different kind of race, one where Oklahoma City is competing with an ever more impressive tier of American cities. For our community to continue this climb, we must have strategy, discipline and unwavering commitment. This next five years of Forward Oklahoma City is critical to growing our ability to build in a new economy and continue to diversify. Investing in our people and this place are the keys to success on this journey. Forward Oklahoma City keeps us on a path to the future city we want to be.

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