he inÚustryűs first intersŞeÏifiÏ Şetunia seriesţ %uraBĬooĵ is the ĵost ƵorĬÚűs ĵost ÚuraÆĬe anÚ floriüerous Şetunia series üor yearěrounÚ ŞerüorĵanÏe throučh a ĵuĬtituÚe oü Ƶeather ÏonÚitionsţ %uraBĬooĵ varieties are very vičorousØ Ƶith ĵounÚinč haÆits that Ïan reaÏh uŞ to Ɩěüeet in heičht in the ĬanÚsÏaŞe anÚ ƵiĬĬ traiĬ over the eÚčes of baskets and containers. They are remarkable landscape plants and are outstanding in large containers. The intersŞeÏifiÏ Ïross ŞroÚuÏeÚ a root systeĵ that is unstoŞŞaÆĬe in suĵĵer ÏonÚitionsØ taĩinč on heat anÚ Úroučht stress Ƶith easeţ And like any of the Dümmen family of ŞetuniasØ %uraBĬooĵ varieties are ÚayĬenčth neutraĬØ so yearěrounÚ ŞroÚuÏtion anÚ saĬes are feasible.
Interspecific breeding yields the strongest root structure in its class for the best summer performance in any petunia
Daylength neutral for countless year-round blooms
The shrubby plant habit works as both a filler and spiller in large containers or in the landscape
Medium sized blooms with extra thick petals are not aected by rain or irrigation
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