
Student Trustee $0..6/"65 r  $0..6/ * 5:

Groupeaction pour l’enfant, la famille et la communauté de Prescott-Russell

Current student trustee Shayla Kroeze welcomes Alex MacIsaac as the new student trustee for the 2015-2016 school year. MacIsaac, who begins his term in August, says he looks forward to being able to represent students across the board. “I’m excited to be the voice of the students,” he said. “I want to not only be able to share my views, but the views of all students.” MacIsaac is a member of the UCDSB’s Student Senate, a leadership group for senior students throughout the board. “One of the main things I want to work on is finding newways to get students more interested in their schooling,” said MacIsaac. “I’ve seen students become apathetic about their learning, and I want to work with the senators to help findways to get students more interested in their classes. ” 250 rue Main Street est / East, suite 201, Hawkesbury ON K6A 1A5 Tel.: 613 632-7837 ou / or 1-866-363-3210 • Télec. / Fax: 613-632-5648 Groupe Action pour l’enfant, la famille et la communauté de Prescott- Russell tient à remercier et à souligner l’engagement de chacune des éducatrices et superviseure de Fiers de nos enfants /Maison de la famille. Année après année, le dévouement de chacune est apprécié de tous. Fiers de nos enfants (Maison de la famille de Hawkesbury), parrainé par Groupe Action pour l’enfant, la famille et la communauté de Prescott-Russell, tient à vous remercier sincèrement pour votre contribution à notre collecte de fonds d’habits de neige 2014. Votre générosité a contribué au succès de notre 8e campagne d’habits de neige. Sans l’appui de notre communauté, cette campagne ne pourrait exister. Quoi de plus beau que de partager et offrir chaleur et réconfort à tous ces enfants pour qu’ils puissent profiter de cette belle saison hivernale. Témoignant de leur sourire, chacun d’eux vous dit « Merci ». Un merci spécial aux entreprises et clubs sociaux suivants: Giant Tiger, Guy Rouleau et la Troupe des non-coupables, Banque Nationale, Malaket, Miss Hawkesbury, Club Richelieu Hawkesbury, Exit Hawkesbury, Hawkesbury Medical Centre, Hawkesbury Service Telecom, Gauthier Auto Glass, Chevaliers de Colomb conseil 9952, OPSEU local 490, Caisse Populaire de Hawkesbury et Aubainerie Entrepôt Hawkesbury. Merci au Restaurant Carole qui nous accueille et participe à cette campagne depuis plusieurs années, ainsi qu'à tous les bénévoles qui ont participé de près ou de loin à cette campagne sans oublier tous les concitoyens qui ont répondu à notre appel et donné généreusement. Our Children, Our Pride (Hawkesbury Family Centre), sponsored by Groupe Action for the children, family and the community of Prescott-Russell, would like to thank you for your contribution to our 2014 snowsuit fundraising campaign. Your generosity has contributed to the success of our 8th snowsuit fundraising campaign. Without the support of our community, this campaign could not exist. How wonderful it is to share warmth and comfort with the children so they can enjoy this beautiful season. With their smiling little faces, they say thank you. Special thanks to the following social clubs and businesses: Giant Tiger, Guy Rouleau et la Troupe des non-coupables, National Bank, Malaket, Miss Hawkesbury, Hawkesbury Richelieu Club, Exit Hawkesbury, Hawkesbury Medical Centre, Hawkesbury Service Telecom, Gauthier Auto Glass, Knights of Columbus Council 9952, OPSEU local 490, Caisse Populaire of Hawkesbury and Hawkesbury Aubainerie Entrepôt. Thanks to Restaurant Carole who has welcomed us and participated in this campaign for several years, to our supporters, to the volunteers for their precious time and to all individuals who gave so generously. Groupe Action for the children, family and the community of Prescott- Russell wishes to thank the educators and supervisor of the program Our children Our Pride /Family Centres for their dedication throughout this campaign. Year after year their commitment is appreciated by all.


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