Friends Club 3rd Quarter 2020

Did you know that in Linn County one in eight people struggle with food insecurity, not knowing if they'll be able to provide adequate food for their families? This year the local food pantries have seen an increased need because of the pandemic. The Linn County Community Outreach Gardens Project, a service managed by Master Gardeners, supports several community donation gardens. Every pound of produce makes an impact in the fight against hunger. Last growing season over 23,000 pounds of fresh produce was grown and donated to local pantries. Home gardeners are invited to join in this effort and share extra produce from their garden with your local food pantry. What are some of the best vegetables to donate? Some top recommendations are tomatoes, zucchini, winter squash, potatoes, onions, peppers, cucumbers, melons, broccoli, cabbage, sweet potatoes, carrots, and beans. It’s always a good idea to check with the food pantry prior to donating. There are some safety tips to keep in mind when donating produce. Offer freshly picked fruits/vegetables. Don't donate produce that is overripe, bruised or spoiled. Use pesticides minimally and carefully, following label instructions. Harvest your produce early in the morning and give it a wipe or a rinse to remove the mud and dirt. Don't wash the produce—that can remove some of the natural protective coating and can cause earlier spoilage. You can also volunteer your time and energy at a community garden. You might even want to help create a community donation garden in your neighborhood or workplace. The Master Gardeners can provide consultation and guidance along the way. Leaders at the community garden provide the space, volunteers to plant, maintain and harvest the garden. Get in touch with the Linn County Master Gardeners at 319-447-0647 and they can help you get started. There's truth in a spin-off of a common saying…Give a man a fish and he eats for a day; teach a woman to garden and the whole neighborhood gets zucchini! Together we can make a difference for those experiencing food insecurity.


3rd Quarter 2020

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