Ivory Prince Helleborus hybrid WALBERTON’S ® ‘Walhelivor’ PP 16,199
Orchid Frost Gold Lamium maculatum ‘Orchid Frost Gold’ PP 33,574
Prolific ivory flowers flushed with pink and streaked with green and rose hues that deepen with time. The outward- facing, long-lasting blooms appear late winter-early spring. The unusual silvery mottled evergreen foliage is attractive through all seasons and is a highly desirable plant in the border or container. Its consistent, vigorous growth habit of tidy evergreen foliage makes this a grower and retailer’s dream crop.
An upgrade to the original Orchid Frost, Orchid Frost Gold has a distinctive two-toned effect on the leaves, unlike any other lamium, and it simply glows in the garden. Elegant silver foliage with fresh spring golden-green base tones is a lovely backdrop for the delicate, orchid-pink flowers produced profusely in mid-spring and sporadically throughout the summer.
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Part Sun to Full Shade Height: 12” to 18” Spread: 16” to 20”
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Part Sun to Full Shade Height: 4” to 6” Spread: 12” to 18”
USDA Zone 4 (-30°F or -34°C)
USDA Zone 4 (-30°F or -34°C)
Orchid Frost Grande Lamium maculatum ‘Orchid Frost Grande’ PP 33,753
A supersized version of the original Orchid Frost, Orchid Frost Grande contains some extra genetic code for bigger, brighter leaves that will undoubtedly get noticed in the garden. It has the same multitoned shimmering foliage and larger orchid-colored blooms throughout the summer months. The plant remains evergreen in mild winter climates.
Rosemary Helleborus hybrid WALBERTON’S ® ‘Walhero’ PP 19,439
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Part Sun to Full Shade Height: 6” to 8” Spread: 12” to 18”
Rosemary is the best hellebore introduction in years and one of the most unique on the
USDA Zone 4 (-30°F or -34°C)
market, with incredible numbers of white-veined pink cup-shaped flowers that deepen to glowing salmon tones. Being a cross between H. niger and H. orientalis, the flower heads are more upward facing than other varieties. It has inherited the more extended flower period of its H. niger parentage, and it produces a much greater number of flowers than others.
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Part Sun to Full Shade Height: 12” to 18” Spread: 16” to 20”
USDA Zone 4 (-30°F or -34°C)
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