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ABOUT PLANTHAVEN Since our beginning in 1997, PlantHaven International has represented the most extensive portfolio of independent plant breeders around the globe. Our team has a passion for creating strong partnerships with breeders and producers to launch innovative categories in global horticulture successfully. In 2022 we opened our newest trial site, exclusively for PlantHaven genetics. Addition- ally, we partner with growers and other trials sites across North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia to acquire the best data before introducing a variety to the market. Once we introduce a variety, PlantHaven International has the most substantial network of suppliers to provide growers with the best possible supply chain for conve- nient availability. We work with unrooted cutting farms, tissue culture labs, and rooted liner stations to offer the most substantial availability for our varieties. Our passion for plants goes beyond genetics and includes the devotion to market these varieties around the globe. Our partnerships with growers and retailers ensure these best new genetics will get the marketing support they deserve on the world stage.
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