SANGRIA ® Mandevilla x hybrid
Little Prince Musa hybrid ‘Little Prince’ PP 15,255
Sangria ™ mandevilla are quick to cover walls and trellises with summer-long color. This dynamic duo is well recognized with a smaller, shiny, dark green leaf and an enormous number of smaller blooms. The Sangria varieties are also the most cold- tolerant on the market today, so they are also very popular with northern growers and gardeners.
Little Prince is the shortest banana available on the market, reaching only 30” in height at full maturity. The thick green foliage also allows for improved resistance to leaf shred caused by wind, a common problem for all bananas. This is a perfect pick for adding tropical flair to large combination containers.
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Full Sun to Part Sun Height: 48” to 60” Spread: 24” to 36”
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Full Sun to Part Sun Height: 24” to 30” Spread: 24” to 36”
USDA Zone 10 (30°F or -1°C)
USDA Zone 7 (0°F or -17°C)
SANGRIA ® Tinto Mandevilla x. ‘Sunmanderemi’ PP 16,449
SANGRIA ® Rosé Mandevilla x. ‘Sunparaprero’ PP 19,399
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