AMERICAN PIE ® Dianthus hybrid
The American Pie ® dianthus brings the most dramatic performers to the perennial garden. These fully hardy varieties boast the most impressive pie-sized flowers available in a range of magnificent colors from the deeply saturated Cherry to the vivid Bumbleberry as well as the brilliant two-tones of Peach and Key Lime. American Pie varieties have beautiful frosty blue foliage, which makes the plant stand out in the garden. Consumers love the long, elegant stem length making them ideal for fresh garden bouquets. And the durability of these varieties keeps them going with multiple flushes of blooms from spring through autumn, despite warm summer conditions and reliable winter hardiness through zone 5.
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Full Sun
Height: 10” to 12” Spread: 12” to 18”
USDA Zone 5 (-20°F or -28°C)
AMERICAN PIE ® Bumbleberry Pie Dianthus hybrid ‘Wp15 Pie54’ PP 30,245
AMERICAN PIE ® Key Lime Pie Dianthus hybrid ‘Wp15 Pie41’ PP 29,843
AMERICAN PIE ® Georgia Peach Pie Dianthus hybrid ‘Wp15 Pie45’ PP 29,900
AMERICAN PIE ® Berry à la Mode Dianthus hybrid ‘‘Wp22 Pie39’ PPAF
AMERICAN PIE ® Cherry Pie Dianthus hybrid ‘Wp19 Pie65’ PP 32,445
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