4 ways to empower women entrepreneurs in your community
How gender equality boosts economic growth Did you know that gender equality goes hand-in-hand with economic and financial stability? Women account for half the world’s working-age population. Therefore, the global economy suffers when they’re denied the opportunity to reach their full economic potential. could add as much as $28 trillion to the global GDP in 2025. Moreover, boosting women’s participation in the labour force could help offset the impact of a shrinking workforce in rapidly aging societies. Women bring new skills to the workplace, increasing productivity and growth.
International Women’s Day is observed annually on March 8. It’s a day to celebrate the achievements of women and help them continue to succeed in the business world. Here are four easy ways to support a female business owner in your community. 1. Buy from them. One of the best ways to empower female entrepreneurs is to buy their products or services. Actively look for women-owned businesses and support them whenever you can. 2. Spread the word. Social media is a powerful tool. Therefore, if you love a product or service from a woman- owned business, tell your friends and post about it on your social networks. You may introduce others to a brand they may not have known otherwise.
3. Write a review. Leaving a review is one of the best ways for businesses to improve and grow. It can also help increase visibility. 4. Donate or invest. Women-led companies often struggle to get the funding they need to survive. You can support them by donating to causes that provide loans and grants to women-owned small businesses and underserved entrepreneurs. As the economy continues to be uncertain, your support can mean the difference between a woman-owned business staying afloat or sinking.
In countries where women have more equal opportunities, the economy is much more resilient, sustainable and competitive. According to a study by McKinsey Global Institute, closing the workforce gender gap
Moreover, giving women equal opportunity to participate in agriculture and equipping them with climate-smart practices can accelerate progress toward addressing food insecurity and climate change.
Although there has been significant progress toward gender equality, women still have fewer career opportunities and earn, on average, 16 per cent less than men. This International Women’s Day, it’s up to you to push for more aggressive change. Although governments and businesses play a crucial role in reducing the gender gap, so do you.
Bonne Journée de la femme! Happy Women's Day! Francis Drouin Député fédéral, MP Glengarry - Prescott - Russell
18009900490 francis.drouin@parl.gc.ca
Bonne journée de la femme! Happy Women’s Day!
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