Camberley & District Funeral Directors - Children's Fune…


When a baby or child dies, it is one of the most devastating things that can happen. We recognise how deeply distressing this can be for you and your family. We want you to know that we are here to help, guide and support you in whatever funeral you decide for your baby or child. Children's funerals


CHILDREN'S FUNERAL FUND The UK government has created the Children's Funeral Fund for England which means that a funeral for a child under 18 or a baby stillborn after the 24th week of pregnancy can be arranged without worrying about some of the costs. These include burial or cremation fees, medical certification and a coffin or casket (up to the value of £300). You don't have to worry about claiming for this fund, our team will do all of this on your behalf. In the event that your baby doesn't qualify for the Children's Funeral Fund (for example, a loss before 24th week of pregnancy), speak to your funeral consultant who will be able to support you. More information can be found about this here - .

In addition to the Children's Funeral Fund for England, we have opted to include the following services for children under the age of 18 or a baby stillborn after the 24th week of pregnancy free of charge: • Necessary legal and administrative arrangements • Collection and bringing into our care • Care and attention • Transport to venue in our hearse or other appropriate vehicle • Reflection room visits • Some third-party fees. Speak to one of our funeral consultants for details.

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