

&YFDVUJWF4VQFSJOUFOEFOUPG#VTJOFTT Services Jeremy Hobbs presented the TFDPOE àOBODJBM GPSFDBTU GPS UIF  TDIPPMZFBS5IFGPSFDBTUJTCBTFEPO current funding and enrolment information, BOEQSPKFDUTSFWFOVFTPG   BOEFYQFOTFTPG   XIJMFUIF QSPKFDUFEJOZFBSTVSQMVTJT 5IFTF updated figures also include additional in- year revenues of $1 million from other non- (SBOUTGPS4UVEFOU/FFETQSPWJODJBMHSBOUT released since the first financial forecast. Hobbs noted that the conclusion of COVID-19 GVOEJOHJO QPUFOUJBMDIBOHFT to other funding sources, and the current economic climate with inflationary pressures, rising interest rates, labour costs, and supply DIBJOTIPSUBHFTNBZUBYUIFCVEHFUNPWJOH JOUP5IFUIJSEBOEàOBMàOBODJBM forecast will be presented to trustees later in the spring. %JSFDUPSPG&EVDBUJPO3PO'FSHVTPOQSFT ented the winter term’s Red Apple Award Recipients. The award goes to individuals whose day-to-day impact and dedication UP UIF TUVEFOUT NBLFT UIFN TUBOE PVU and inspire others. This term, the awards went to Carla Bangma from Front of Yonge &MFNFOUBSZ4DIPPM 3PTF.BD$VMMPDIGSPN 8JMMJBNTUPXO1VCMJD4DIPPM BOE(JTFMMF 1BRVFUUFGSPNUIF7BOLMFFL)JMM$PMMFHJBUF Institute. i1BRVFUUFUFBDIFT'SFODI NVTJD UIFBUSF  literature, and food to secondary students, and she’s helped students present and provide live entertainment for the annual retirement celebrations,” the UCDSB said JOBSFMFBTFi&WFSZPOFXIPLOPXT(JTFMMF TQFBLTIJHIMZPGIFSBOEIFSQBTTJPOGPS French, arts, and culture, and for her unwa- vering support of student learning.”

The UCDSB’s new logo is sharper, cleaner, and conveys a sense of excitement. —supplied photo


&YFDVUJWF4VQFSJOUFOEFOUPG#VTJOFTT Jeremy Hobbs, Manager of Communica- tions and Relationship Management April 4DPUU$MBSLF BOE.BOBHFSPG*OGPSNBUJPO Technology Services Jim Guerin presented the new logo for the UCDSB. It’s been a XPSLJOQSPHSFTTTJODFMBTU'FCSVBSZ BOEOPX it’s been approved and put into effect. Scott- $MBSLFNFOUJPOFEUIBUQIZTJDBMNBUFSJBMT with the old logo will continue to be used until supplies run out. 4VQFSJOUFOEFOUPG4UVEFOU8FMMOFTTBOE 4QFDJBM&EVDBUJPO+FOOJGFS1FSSZVQEBUFE USVTUFFTPOUIF1PXFS6QQSPHSBN XIJDI JTBQBSUPGUIF%JSFDUPST8PSL1MBO5IF QSPHSBNTBSFMFECZB4QFDJBM&EVDBUJPO teacher and are designed to adapt to indi- vidual strengths and needs to help support

students to achieve success. As of February  1FSSZSFQPSUFEUIBU4QFDJBM&EVDBUJPO teacher positions have been added to 19 schools across the district, bringing the UPUBMOVNCFSPG1PXFS6QQSPHSBNTUP &YFDVUJWF4VQFSJOUFOEFOU&SJD)BSEJFUIFO presented to trustees new and enhanced learning opportunities that are being introduced across the board, in line with UIF%JSFDUPST8PSL1MBOHPBMPGJNQSPWJOH student success to attain and maintain a QFSDFOUHSBEVBUJPOSBUF)BSEJFSFQPSUFE that the board is moving away from physical materials and focusing more on eLearning courses and customized learning, which XJMMQSPWJEFáFYJCJMJUZBOEBDDPNNPEBUJPOT for adults with learning needs and provide daytime and early evening support online.

The regular meeting in February fea- tured the reveal of the UCDSB’s new logo, the unveiling of the recipients of the Red Apple Award, updates on the Director’s Work Plan, and the second financial forecast. During the regular meeting on February 8, trustees with the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) received several updates from across the school board. The board has received a new logo, the Director’s 8PSLQMBOIBETFWFSBMVQEBUFT UIFCPBSE received a financial forecast, and the Red Apple Award was given to three teachers across the region.

Voluntary Positions Available On a Council Advisory Committee The Township of Russell is seeking to fill positions on the following committee: 1. Attainable and Affordable Housing Ad-Hoc Committee (5 Positions)

Postes volontaires à combler sur un comité du conseil Le canton de Russell recherche des personnes du public afin de combler des postes au sein du comité: 1. Comité ad hoc sur le logement accessible et abordable (5 postes) Exigences: 2. Être âgé de 18 ans ou plus; 3. Être citoyen canadien; 4. Être un résidant du canton de Russell; 5. Le bilinguisme est un atout (anglais/français); Mandat: Correspond à la durée du conseil (terminant le 14 novembre 2026 ou jusqu’à ce que son membre successeur soit nommé).

Requirements: 2. Must be 18 years of age or over; 3. Must be a Canadian Citizen; 4. Must be a resident of the Township of Russell; 5. Bilingualism is an asset (English/French); Term: Concurrent with the term of Council (ending November 14, 2026, or until a successor member is appointed). Remuneration: Not applicable. Other Information: For further details regarding the specific mandates and meeting procedures relating to the above committee, please the Clerk’s office at How To Apply: Those interested in the above-mentioned positions are invited to complete, sign and submit the Committee Appointment Application Form to the Clerk’s office before 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 9, 2023, by email at or in-person at Town Hall (717 Notre-Dame Street, Embrun, ON K0A 1W1). To request the Application Form, contact the Clerk’s office by email or by phone at 613-443-3066 extension 2310. Only the selected candidates will be contacted for an interview. In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2005, the Township of Russell recognizes the different needs of individuals and seeks to provide accessibility to all.

Rémunération: Sans objet. Autres renseignements :

Pour plus de détails concernant les mandats spécifiques et les procédures de réunion relatives aux comités ci-dessus, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffe par courriel Comment postuler: Les personnes intéressées par les postes mentionnés ci-dessus sont invitées à remplir, signer et soumettre le formulaire de demande de nomination au comité avant 16 h, le jeudi 9 mars 2023 par courriel à ou en personne ou à l’hôtel de ville (717 rue Notre-Dame, Embrun, K0A1W1). Pour demander le formulaire de demande, communiquez avec le bureau du greffe par courriel ou par téléphone au 613-443-3066 poste 2310. Seules les personnes retenues seront contactées. Conformément à la Loi de 2005 sur l’accessibilité pour les personnes handicapées de l’Ontario, la municipalité s’engage à reconnaître les différents besoins des individus et cherche à offrir l’accessibilité pour tous.

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