SharpLife Magazine

In a split second, you can go to the beach, the pool, or just wear the outfit of your choice without thinking about your exposed skin. Over the past decade men have also chosen to get rid of unwanted hair, which has made the treatment even more popular.

Imagine never having to take care of unwanted hair on your body ever again!

How does it work? Dynamic Pulse Controlâ„¢ (DPC) technology is a powerful light-based tech- nology that e ectively targets the hair follicle without harming any other parts of the skin. During the treatment, the heat energy denaturizes the melanin in the hair follicle, as a result that follicle cannot grow new hair. Frequently Asked Questions Q. When will I see results? A. Immediately, two weeks following the first treatment you will begin to see results and significantly less hair will grow back, additionally with each treatment the amount of hair regrowth will decrease. Q. How long does each treatment take? A. The typical regimen is 6-10 treatment sessions, spaced 4-12 weeks apart. Treatment time depends on the area treated. The average treatment takes about half an hour. Q. Why are multiple treatments necessary? A. About 20-25% of human hair follicles on the body are in the active growth phase at any given time. This is the percentage of hair follicles that can be destroyed in a single treatment session. ln order to eliminate almost 70% of the hair, treatments should be repeated until the desired result is achieved. Q. Are the treatments safe and painless? A. SharpLight's pulsed-light treatments are non-invasive and very safe. During the procedure, there may be a slight 1-2 second, momentary tingling sensation that may be felt, but no pain. The treatments leave you with zero downtime, so you can get them done during your errands or lunch hour and resume to your daily routine.











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