SharpLife Magazine

Completely non-invasive

Has your face changed? Are are conscious about the fact that you have a double chin or jowls? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! SharpLight’s treatment is highly eective and pain- less. In just a few treatments, you can get rid of the unwanted fat deposits and tighten lax facial skin. You will notice a more youthful appearance to your skin.

solution that can help you restore the original contours of your face.

How does it work? SharpLight’s facial contouring treatments perform two actions simul- taneously - fat reduction and skin tightening. The treatment uses two advanced technologies - VermaDerm , and Radio Frequency. Each technology emits energy at a certain frequency. The wavelengths target the water in fatty pockets beneath the skin and heat them. The heat causes the fat deposits to significantly shrink in size. The released fat is then absorbed by the body’s lymphatic system and naturally cleared away. In parallel, the heat causes the collagen fibers in the skin to contract, resulting in immediate skin tightening. The heat also stimulates the body to produce new collagen which restores the skin’s firmness and elasticity for long term results. Frequently Asked Questions Q. What kind of results can I expect? A. The average session involves 6–12 treatments spaced over 1-4 week intervals. Maintenance treatments may be required to keep the results. Q. Is the treatment safe? A. Clinical trials have confirmed that the VermaDerm and RF tech- nologies safely and e‹ectively reduce unwanted fat, without any side-e‹ects. Q. How soon can I return to my daily routine? A. There is absolutely no downtime with the facial contouring treat- ment and you can immediately return to your daily activities. You can also have the treatment during your lunchtime break and go back to work with an improved contoured face. Q. Does the treatment hurt? A. You will feel your skin warming up, but this is not painful. Many patients have reported that it feels like a warm massage sensation that may be felt, without pain. The treatments leave you with zero downtime, so you can get them done during your errands or lunch hour and be back to your daily routine.



Non-Invasive Facial Contouring Is Rapdily On The Rise.





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