SharpLife Magazine

This treatment will instantly improve the appearance of your skin tone and texture, leaving you with china doll-like porcelain skin. The facial is particularly beneficial for people with oily skin, as it gently removes in-bedded dirt and debris reducing acne causing bacteria and shrinks sebaceous, or oil, glands.

SharpLight's Carbon Facial, also known as the "Hollywood Facial", because of its popularity among celebrities. How does it work? When performing the laser treatment, a layer of carbon lotion is applied to the entire face and allowed to dry over a period of 10 minutes. The Nd:Yag Q-Switched laser is used to heat and blast o the carbon parti- cles. The laser light is absorbed by the carbon lotion focusing the laser energy on the epidermis. A. No, the treatment is non-invasive and gentle, most people describe the sensation as a warm tingling feeling. The treatment takes approxi- mately 45 minutes from start to finish (please allow an extra 15 minutes for consultation). Q. How many treatments will I need? A. A visible di erence should be noticed with one individual treatment, however a series consisting of 4-6 treatments with 2-4 week intervals (depending on your skin type or concerns) is advised for maximum results. As the carbon facial gives an instant improvement to skin tone and texture, some people like to have a single session to have glowing A. You will see a reduction in pore size, fine lines and blemishes. The overall appearance of the skin will be improved and rejuvenated, giving a more youthful appearance. The skin is often slightly pink immediately following the treatment, but this subsides after a few hours, and makeup or sunscreen may be applied directly after the treatment. Q. Are there any restrictions to daily activity? Frequently Asked Questions Q. Does the treatment hurt? skin before a big event or night out. Q. What improvements will I see? A. There is no restriction of daily activities after the treatment. It is advised to stay away from excessive sun exposure during the treatment period. Make-up can be applied after treatment; aesthetic products for acne, hyper pigmentation, or wrinkles can be applied the following day.









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