Y12 Bulletin 01.03.24

This weekly bulletin contains the latest news updates across Year 12.




This term Dr Efi Spentzou from Royal Holloway University has led a series of after school workshops exploring Myth & Voice. Students from all years groups learned all about King Erysichthon, an ancient character who remains relevant today as his story raises many ethical questions about the environment. It was fabulous

HOLIDAYS & NATIONAL DAYS Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month - March SAFE Day - 4 March World Book Day - 7 March International Women’s Day - 8 March Richmond Choral Festival - 13 March EPQ Presentations - 13-14 March Year 13 Parents’ Consultation Evening - 4-6.30pm 27 March End of Spring term - 28 March Easter Holidays - 29 March-12 April Back to School - 15 April

to start the week enjoying presentations from the students involved hearing how we can all make small changes to improve the natural world. The Student Parliament Eco Committee also met with an external partner this week to develop their ideas for greening the school. I am excited to see how both projects develop in the summer term. This week we have had a number of trips out of school. On Tuesday some of our Year 9 students enjoyed a trip to the London Careers Festival at the Guildhall Art Gallery in Bank and enjoyed finding out about different careers, a highlight included using the flight simulator. Yesterday Alexa M and Annabelle R in Year 9, and Tamira R in Year 8 who are standing for the Richmond and Kingston Youth Council took part in the final hustings event at York House. They were so impressive delivering speeches and answering questions. After school a number of sixth form students attended The World Leaders Tacitus Lecture in the City of London. Today our A level French students attended a study day and A level Religious Studies students attended the Candle conference in Central London. Thank you to all the parents who attended the PTA Quiz. Our fantastic Quizmaster, Ben Burrows, kept us all entertained with brilliant questions and challenges that not only made us think hard but also laugh a lot. Thank you to all the fabulous PTA volunteers who sourced the delicious curries and made sure no one was thirsty.

WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Send us your achievement stories and photos to share by email to info@waldegravesch.org STAY CONNECTED WITH US:

~ Ms Tongue, Headteacher


This week is Eating Disorder Awareness Week. To highlight this, The Charlie Waller Trust has put together a range of resources for parents and carers, who may be concerned that their child is showing signs of disordered eating. This includes: a webinar on spotting signs and supporting young people with eating disorders on 16 April from 12.00-1.20pm, a resource for parents on Supporting a child with an eating problem and a series of free workshops, commencing on a range of dates, providing practical skills, strategies and techniques for parents who are supporting a child to recover from an eating disorder. Additionally, Monday 4 March is Substance Advice for Everyone (SAFE) Day. All parents should have received a letter explaining this important borough-wide public health intervention. The letter is also linked here.

SUPPORTING THE PTA A little help goes a long way... Are you able to help out at our forthcoming Silent Auction Event? Sign up now!



This week Mr Bannister launched the volunteering programme as part of Year 12 enrichment. It was great to hear that so many students are already volunteering and contributing to their local community in many ways. Students who do not already have a placement are encouraged to find one in the next couple of weeks. Students also started tutor time activities on University preparation in form time. It is important that students are proactive in researching all the options available but also that they realise they do not need to rush into making a decision at this stage. We want to provide reassurance that we have started this process early, so there is no immediate pressure to make final decisions on anything and there will be lots of support available from the school. This week some of our Year 12 students attended The World Leaders Tacitus Lecture. It was inaugurated in 1988 and is now believed to be the largest event of its type in the City of London. This event is held annually and provides the Company with an opportunity to demonstrate to a wider audience its concern with issues affecting world trade. Today some of the Year 12 RE students attended the Candle Conference which is a live event covering ‘God and the Good’ that will explore content focusing on the Philosophy of Religion and Religious Ethics papers. The event aims to get students really excited about the subject, enriching and extending their knowledge and understanding as well as supporting them in analysing, evaluating and making informed, well-reasoned academic judgements.







Under 15 Outer Borough Cricket Final



Under 14 Rugby Tournament



“ Letters From The Underground ” by Fyodor Dostoevsky

“ Letters From The Underground ” by Fyodor Dostoevsky (translated from Russian) is a deep dive into the human psyche from the perspective of a man who is overly negative and is criticising himself. It is in the form of a “confession” and explores the complexity of the man’s mind. I would recommend this novella to those who want a challenging but rewarding read, that will draw you in and intrigue you.

~ Recommended by Yasemin, Year 11 student


About the Children’s Book Project

Across London and the UK 1 in 4 disadvantaged children owns fewer than 10 books, whilst 1 in 8 has none at all. This has an impact not only on these children’s academic outcomes but also on their wellbeing, emotional development and sense of themselves as a reader. The Children’s Book Project directly tackles this ‘book gap’ and gifts donated books to targeted communities across the Capital. Over 500 schools, community groups, women’s groups and prisons nationwide put on book gifting events at which children are invited to choose a book to take it home and keep. The charity expects to gift upwards of 350,000 books this year. For more information visit www.childrensbookproject.co.uk

We are holding a Book Drive on World Book Day!

We are holding a Book Drive for the Children’s Book Project charity on 7 March 2024. Please bring in any books your children have grown out of so that they can find new homes with others across the local community. Alternatively you may wish to purchase an old favourite to donate. We can accept any children’s books in good condition. Please drop them off at the main reception.

Please contact us with any queries or problems you may have. To get in touch with a member of staff from your child’s year group, you can: Send an email to sixthform@waldegravesch.org Or you can contact the school via phone by calling: 02088943244 WALDEGRAVE SCHOOL Fifth Cross Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5LH HOW TO CONTACT YEAR 12 HEAD OF YEAR AND TUTORS

The following items are not endorsed by Waldegrave School..

Being multilingual: A guide for parents

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