

Code of ethics

Cornwall’s most rewarding hobby FRANCIS RACINE

Although the metal detecting hobby seems to be lawless, Thompson outlines the strict importance of the metal de- tecting code of ethics. “When we leave a dig, we always make sure the area looks like it did before we arrived,” he says. “If not, the City might put in place by-laws that would a#ect our hobby and we sim- ply don’t want that.” The code of ethics includes several rules, such as preserva- tion of property, buildings and ghost towns, reporting any "nds deemed to be of historical importance and even the obligation of always "lling a hole, follow- ing an excavation. Williamstown and "nding it,” he explains con"dently. “If not, I want to stop at the mu- seum to see if they have one.” As he continues to scan the area with his sophisticated equipment, Thompson will without a doubt continue to "nd long lost objects frozen in time, allowing him to piece together some of the area’s past. CAMPBELL/AFIARA le samedi 18 octobre 2014 La réunion d’un clarinettiste de réputation internationale, d’un guitariste reconnu pour la diversité de ses styles et d’un quatuor lauréat de nombreuses distinctions vous procurera une expérience musicale inoubliable. Le mélange Campbell/ Afiara est vraiement extraordinaire! THE ELMER ISELER SINGERS le samedi 15 nov 2014 Ce chœur de chambre professionnel est un des ensembles les plus reconnus au Canada et s’est taillé un place enviable sur la scène internationale. Marqué par l’équilibre, la précision et la profondeur de la musicalité, ce célèbre ensemble vocal puise son répertoire dans une riche tradition musicale de plus de cinq siècles. SULTANS OF STRING le samedi 28 mars 2015 Une mosaïque de couleurs, de rythmes et de sons, passant du flamenco espagnol aux rythmes arabes, cubains et le jazz manouche! Toutes ces musiques offertes dans une ambiance chaleureuse et virtuose. Un rendez-vous incontournable! BUZZ le samedi 18 avril 2015 Laissez-vous séduire par le quatuor de cuivre Buzz grâce à la diversité de sa musique, de ses performances électrisantes et de sa mise en scène relevée. Ce concert offre un répertoire sophistiqué et varié et le mélange de quatuor de cuivre avec piano and harpe vous promet une soirée riche en couleur. SAISON 2014–2015 Prix special! ADULTES : 70$ jusqu’au 31 août

CORNWALL | Following Matthew Thomp- son up the stairs to his o"ce, it’s apparent that the young man is happy to share in- formation regarding his fascinating hob- by. Once in front of an elegant door, he pushes it open, revealing an impeccably organized o"ce. But what captures the attention is not the sturdy looking desk or the view from the second storey, but a simple hutch, converted into what ap- pears to be a museum showcase. In it, several coins, ranging from the late 18 th century to the early 20 th century, are ex- posed next to pocket watches, antique toy guns and even musket balls. All the items have one thing in common, however. They

Photos Francis Racine

private properties (with approval, of course) and even the underwater landscape. “It’s a really rewarding hobby,”he explains. “It’s also a great workout. On some digs, you can walk up to "ve kilometers.”Although he has always loved the idea of metal detect- ing, he only started three years ago. “I al- ways liked the idea of it, but it can become

the engraving: the silhouette of a woman’s face followed by a minuscule lion and the letter D . “These three symbols represent the Queen, where it originated, in England, and when it was made,” explains Thomp- son. “I’ve been told that not only is it worth a good amount, but that it retailed at $50 when it was "rst sold... meaning not every- one could get their hands on it.” But alas, there is a small detail that ren- ders the amateur archaeologist unhappy. Originally, the pen would’ve been sold along an inkwell. “I plan on going back to

very expensive,” he says. “I have met- al detectors that cost me more than $2,300. It’s a lot, but they both are water proof.” With that, he pulls out three plastic cases, each contain- ing several items. He sets the "rst one in front of him and opens it, reveal- ing several rings and coins. He then takes a small bag and empties the content on his desk. “These are my most precious rings,” he says. “I found them underwater, close to a marina. People tend to party on their boats and lose them overboard.” Thompson says that 90% of the jewelry he "nds is located underwater. As he’s asked what is his most prized "nd, Thomp- son, without think- ing twice, reaches back into the plastic container and re-

Although he’s only been metal detecting for three years, Mat- thew Thompson has collected quite a prestigious collection. Thanks to his technologically advanced tools, he’s been able to !nd items that would’ve otherwise been lost forever.

ABONNEMENTS DE LA SAISON • Banque TD Canada Trust, Cornwall Square • Caisse Populaire, 840, rue Pitt, Cornwall • Bureau de tourisme, 1-800-937-4748 691 ave Brookdale, salle E, Cornwall

veals what appears to be a thin silver stick. “This is a Sampson pencil I found while on a dig inWilliamstown,” he says with pride. “It’s from 1839 and, apart from a small gap, it’s in amazing shape.” As he runs his "ngers on it, one can clearly see the words SampsonMordan & CoMakers & Patentees engraved without imperfection on the side. What is even more interesting, however, are the three small icons following

were all retrieved from the Cornwall and area grounds. Thompson has a hobby that allows him to discover Cornwall’s rich heritage: time travel. But unlike Micheal J. Fox in the 1985 movie Back to the future, Thompson doesn’t use a Delorean converted into a time ma- chine by a mad professor. Instead, he uses state-of-the-art metal detecting tools to ex- plore anything from local municipal parks to

ADULTES : 75$ Billets simples : 25$

ÉTUDIANTS : 25$ Billets simples : 8$

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