Mast Young Plants 2024/2025 Spring Catalog



INTRODUCING THE “QUICK BLOCK” • Innovative product line from MYP allows growers to turn combos even faster! • Features a mix of genetics that have been trialed and proven to grow well and finish beautiful combos • Introduced in 2019 and growing in popularity every year since QUICK BLOCK SPECS • Each Quick Block contains a mix of 3 25mm liners that are 4-5 weeks old. • The Quick Block mixes are trusted breeder mixes plus our exclusive Blueberry Scramble Mix combines Petunia Shortcake Blueberry and Dekko Banana with the accent plant Alternanthera Little Ruby for a unique look. • Quick Blocks are made of compressed coco fiber that absorb water and increase in size when first watered. An attractive clear plastic holding tray helps with ease of handling. Each block will contain a variety label growers can use in their combination for accurate tagging. • Liners are planted into the Quick Block and grown for 4 weeks, at which time they get another pinch and an application of B9/Florel for further branching. These steps ensure that Quick Blocks arrive at the grower ready for planting and a quick finish after transplant. FINISH TIMES • 10” container – 1 Quick Block for 4 weeks. • 12” container – 1 Quick Block for 5 weeks or 2 Quick Blocks for 4 weeks. • 14” container – 2 Quick Blocks for 4-5 weeks. • Don’t forget! You can also purchase Quick Blocks and sell them the week they come in as a “prefinished” combo customers can place in containers they already have at home. ORDERING AND SHIPPING INFORMATION • Minimum order is 6 Quick Blocks: 6 Quick Blocks = 1 shipping unit. • Our half box holds a total of 12 Quick Blocks.

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