Mast Young Plants 2024/2025 Spring Catalog


Through our trialing process, here are some suggested guidelines for Trixi ® , Kwik Kombos TM , Confetti Garden TM , and Durabella ® Combos:

12” HB 3 plugs per pot takes 8 weeks at 68°F average

12” HB 4 plugs per pot takes 7 weeks at 68°F average

10” HB 1 plug per pot takes 9 weeks at 68°F average

10” HB 2 plugs per pot (close together in the center) takes 8 weeks at 68°F average

10” HB 3 plugs per pot takes 7 weeks at 68°F average

Example plantogram of a 12” hanging basket




All Double Stuck and Triple Stuck Combo Trays are available in a Mega50 Tray. Pictured below.

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