Mast Young Plants 2024/2025 Spring Catalog

DURABELLA ® COMBOS Triple Stuck Combos from Danziger

Mega50 Tray

Petunia Cascadias ® Chili Red Petunia Cascadias ® Indian Summer Petunia Ray ™ Black

Calibrachoa ™ Lia Violet Petunia Amazonas ™ Plum Cockatoo Verbena Vanessa ™ Bicolor Purple


Amazonas Mist

Calibrachoa Lia ™ Yellow Petunia Capella ™ Rose Verbena Vanessa ™ Bicolor Pink

Eye Candy TM

Bacopa Scopia ® Gulliver ™ White Improved Petunia Amore ® King of Hearts Verbena Vanessa ™ Red

Calibrachoa Lia ™ Yellow Petunia Amore ® Queen of Hearts Verbena Vanessa ™ White

The King

The Queen 113

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