Mast Young Plants 2024/2025 Spring Catalog

Petunia Flower Showers 51 Eye catching flowers with unique color patterns Great for small to large pots Mounding trailing habit with rain tolerance


Mayan Sunset mounding, 8–12”

Golden Harvest mounding, 8–12”

Ringo Star mounding, 15–24”

Petunia Fun House TM 51

Dynamic petunias with unique flower colors and patterns. Great habits for fun addition to hanging baskets or patio pots.

Flowers will look different under different conditions – fun for customers to watch the changing color variations and patterns with each new bloom Syngenta

Amethyst Sunshine mounding, 10–14”

Papaya mounding, 10–14”

Peach Melba mounding, 10–14”

Petunia Glamouflage 51 Variegated foliage petunia Low mounding habit good for boarders in landscape Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds



Pink Lemonade mounding, 10–16” 81

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