Water at interfaces Faraday Discussion


Temperature and pressure dependences of the solvation properties of alcohols in water Aoi Taira Okayama University, Japan Non Linear Ionic transport inside nanoslits: effect of the confinement on the correlations between electrolytes Damien Toquer LPENS/ENS/PSL, France Probing interfacial structure and electrostatic interactions in mixed surfactant systems using HD VSFG spectroscopy Aswathi Vilangottunjalil AMOLF Netherlands, Netherlands




The role of interfacial water in inter-particle interactions Rowan Walker-Gibbons University of Oxford, UK


Water sorption in the interface of salt mixture Shaoheng Wang University of Hamburg, Germany


Interfacial water generates a long-ranged force between objects in solution Sida Wang Univeristy of Oxford, UK The impact of Ni and Cu dopants on water dissociation process at the nanoscale zero-valent iron-water interface Jessica White Griffith University, Australia Solvation free energies of molecules and ions: a first principles study Junting Yu The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Accurate refractive index measurements in nanoconfined spaces Peng Zhang King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia




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