Water at interfaces Faraday Discussion

Confined water in nanoporous silicas and organosilicas Michael Fröba 1,2 , B. Malfait 3 , A. Jani 3 , R. Lefort 3 , A. Moréac 3 , J.B. Mietner 1 , M. Busch 4 , P. Huber 5,6 , D. Morineau 3 1 Institute of Inorganic & Applied Chemistry, University of Hamburg, Germany, 2 The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging, Germany, 3 Institute of Physics of Rennes, CNRS/University of Rennes, France, 4 Center for Integr. Multiscale Systems (CIMMS), Germany, 5 Institute for Materials and X-ray Physics, Germany, 6 Centre for X-Ray and Nano Science, Germany Water is undoubtedly the most important substance on earth. It is ubiquitous in nature and a necessary liquid for the emergence of life. In most frequent situations, water is found as spatially confined or in an interfacial state rather than forming a bulk phase. From a fundamental point of view, confining water at the nanoscale in prototypical porous solids has turned out to be particularly adequate in order to better understand the unusual behavior of interfacial water and ice. Here we present the some of the results of various studies dealing with the behavior of nanoconfined water in different nanoporous silicas and organosilicas with pore diameters between 2-4 nm 1,2 at different temperatures with respect to its dynamics (rotation, vibration and translation) and solidification/crystallization in the pores 3-5 . The used organosilicas barely used in water studies so far are very well suited to tune the water-pore surface interactions. The studies probe different time scales accompanied with different structural resolutions which allow a comprehensive view at the dynamics and structure of the water molecules and ice crystals. References 1. F. Hoffmann, M. Cornelius, J. Morell, M. Fröba, Silica-based mesoporous organic-inorganic hybrid materials, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006 , 45 , 3216-3251. 2. J.B. Mietner, F.J. Brieler, Y.J. Lee, M. Fröba, Properties of Water Confined in Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas: Nanoimprinting the Local Structure, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017 , 56 , 12348-12351. 3. B. Malfait, A. Jani, J.B. Mietner, R. Lefort, P. Huber, M. Fröba, D. Morineau, Influence of Pore Surface Chemistry on the Rotational Dynamics of Nanoconfined Water, J. Phys. Chem. C 2021 , 125 , 16864-16874. 4. B. Malfait, A. Moréac, A. Jani, R. Lefort, P. Huber, M. Fröba, D. Morineau, Structure of Water at Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Interfaces: Raman Spectroscopy of Water Confined in Periodic Mesoporous (Organo)Silicas, J. Phys. Chem. C 2022 , 126 , 3520-3531. 5. A. Jani, M. Busch, J.B. Mietner, J. Ollivier, M. Appel, B. Frick, J.-M. Zanotti, A. Ghoufi, P. Huber, M. Fröba, D. Morineau, Dynamics of water confined in mesopores with variable surface interaction, J. Chem. Phys. 2021 , 154 , 094505 (13 pp).


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