Water at interfaces Faraday Discussion


Depth-resolved SFG/DFG spectroscopy of charged aqueous interfaces Alvaro Diaz Duque Fritz Haber Institut, Germany Just how anisotropic is the air-water interface? Using depth-resolved SFG/DFG spectroscopy to determine its structure and thickness Alexander Fellows Fritz Haber Institut, Germany



Imaging feldspar microcline and the first stages of ice nucleation at the atomic scale

Giada Franceschi TU Wien, Austria


Confined water in nanoporous silicas and organosilicas Michael Froeba University of Hamburg, Germany Influence of surfactants on the surface propensity of ions at the ocean-air interface Shirin Gholami Fritz-Haber-Institute der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Germany Interfacial H 2 O reactivity in bipolar membrane junctions Carlos Gomez Rodellar Fritz-Haber Institut of the Max-Planck Society, Germany The dramatic effect of water structure on hydration forces and the electrical double layer Jonathan Hedley Imperial College London, UK Applying a hybrid solvation model for simulating electrified Pt(111) and Ag(111) water interface Jack Hinsch Griffith University, Australia Electro-freezing of super-cooled water as a chemical process Leah Javitt Weizmann Institute, Israel







A combined first principles and experimental study of super-concentrated aqueous solutions of KOH Huang Jiajia The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China

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