Water at interfaces Faraday Discussion


Fluidity of water in subnanometric confinement Di Jin Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel


Ab initio reaction networks of carbon dioxide in supercritical water: bulk and nanoconfinement studies Chu Li The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Mass screening for nucleation agents for sodium acetate trihydrate and their relevance for heat batteries Jinjie Li University College London, UK Moving forward towards in-situ proton conduction dynamics in an operating fuel cell Sourav Maiti STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK




Roles of interfacial water in carbon mineralisation Shurui Miao University of Oxford, UK


Tailoring the interfacial water structure by electrolyte engineering for selective electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide Nandita Mohandas Tata Institute of Fundamental Research India, India Neural-network based molecular dynamics simulation of the Fe$_3$O$_4$(001)-water interface Pablo Montero de Hijes University of Vienna, Austria Solvation shell water around gold nanoparticles of varying sizes studied by raman and infrared spectroscopy Taritra Mukherjee Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Germany Quantification of the water-mediated interaction varying with solute size Hidefumi Naito Okayama University, Japan




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