King's Business - 1939-06


Lagar, Mrs. John

(Ethel C. Moore) ’20 Lantz, D. Parke *19 Lantz, Mrs. D. Parke ’19 Powell, Reginald Powell, Mrs. Reginald (Winifred Redman) *22 Rutt, Jacob L. *24 Rutt, Mrs. Jacob L. *24 Sickel, C. L. Sickel, Mrs. C. L. (Loree Cutright) *18 Wagner, Mrs. R. E. (Laura E. Larson) *26 Bolivia Chaplin, Mrs. F. S. (Ruth McCahan) *19 Ekdahl, George H. *18 Ekdahl, Mrs. George H. (Gladys Gibson) *19 Foote, Alice *32 — Lee, Mildred *16 *Powlison, Kenneth W. *17 -—Powlison, Mrs. Kenneth (Pansy Fitch) E.S. Rouintree, Arrie E. *34 — Septer, Mina *20 — Steer, Jason P. *16 Tapia, Francisco R. *23 Tapia, Mrs. Francisco R. (Margaret Smith) *23 Tapia, Liborio *23 — Vroman, Harold E. *20 —Vroman, Mrs. Harold E. *20 *Webendorfer, Henry C. *17 —-Webendorfer, Mrs. Henry C. (Helen Blackman) *17 Wintersteen, Mrs. Carl H. (Ellen V. Hoffman) *20 Brazil Bagby, Mrs. Albert I. (Thelma Frith) *29 Canfield, John Davies, Rowland *33 Hunrichs, William R. *22 Hunrichs, Mrs. William R. (Hazel Long) ’22 Lehman, Mrs. Howard (Ada L. Septer) — McCoy, Grace *22 — Rigg, Frank J., E.S. *20 Ecuador Carlson, Carl Theodore *19 Kinkel, Mrs. George (Grace Manweiler) *21 ♦LeFevre, George Newton, Jr. *19 — Parker, Nancy Ellen *15 Siemens, Mrs. D. F. (Irene Witmer) *20 Paraguay — Wilson, John Wesley, Jr. *22 —Wilson, Mrs. John Wesley, Jr. *22 Peru — McKinney, Harry Cromwell *17 — McKinney, Mrs. Harry C. *17 — Shaffer, H. Ross *21 — Shaffer, Mrs. H. Ross (Lucile Compton) Weber, Hermann *35 Chile Fast. Henry F. *21 — King, Mrs. Ira E. (Dorothy Thompson) *19

Brown, Guernsey S. Brown, Mrs. Guernsey S. — Carter, Marie *15 Catherwood, Helen L. *34 — Gillis, Ansel W. *21 —-Gillis, Mrs. Ansel W. — Goin, Clarence A. *21 Hinote, Genevieve ’3*4 Kahale, Edward *21 Kahale, Mrs. Edward — Kortemeier, Marie *22 Martin, Mrs. Cecil (Martha Ackerman) *22 — Osburn, C. Robert *20 — Osburn, Mrs. C. Robert *20 Oyer, Alvin D. Oyer, Mrs. Alvin D. (Irene Hamlow) *27 Richardson, Ernest K. Young, Neva INDIA — Anderson, Carl *30 Burhans, Esther *17 — Clifford, Mrs. R. P. (Dorothy Dech) *23 Duerksen, Jacob R. *21 Duerksen, Mrs. Jacob R. (Christena Harder) *19 — Haines, Margaret *21 Hillis, Don *32 — Hillman, Grace *30 — Hoon, Zarra *21 Jones, Harry A. *22 *Karlson, Karl Albin ’18 Jantzen, Aron *31 Jantzen, Mrs. Aron (Kathryn Louthan) *30 Kuehny, Clara *20 Linden, Mrs. Carl E. (Rose Faulkner) *23 Noreen, Olga E. *26 — Polkinghorn, Grace I. ’23 ^Thompson, Jemima *28 — Tromans, Nellie E. *18 — Ward, Martha Edna *22 — Ware, Mary B. *24 Wenger, Paul A. JAPAN — Hall, Maty ’17 Kasahara, William S. ’18 Larson, Adelia *33 Musser, Clarence K. *24 Musser, Mrs. Clarence K. ’24


ng to friends of B iola in show ing the ou treach of the testim ony L of Los A ngeles students have served or a re serving in the nainder having returned, several in broken health. N ineteen are iir of service. Tw enty-nine regions, as shown on these pages, are d Of Results eign Field

Riffel, Hilda ’32 Roberts, Mrs. C. A. (Grace Pike) J’21

nds to carry on its work, and llts the facts upon this page, people for Christian service >n fields for thirty years. 5 are today missionaries they share in the task -of of the gospel to those “of and people, and nation” Id otherwise be unknown, raining—seventy are to be offer themselves and their womanhood ungrudgingly the Lord shall call, s of a multitude of donors •s of the word” (Luke 1:2) lfs slender stream of income there is no reserve to fall incalculable results in the 1 would cease. xance depends solely upon nyriad of unorganized and are individually obedient n their hearts and the im- an voice is there to urge, personal sacrifices of com- neet our requests. W e be- se sanctify the gifts, us to complete paying the aduating, and we ask in con- name. F LOS ANGELES, INC. Los Angeles, California McKenzie, Catherine M. ’36 — McLain, Alma R. *26 McNeal, Maxine M. ’23 Pepper, Verna M. ’32 Peterson, Astrid M. ’27 Pflueger, Lydia E. ’18 Pike, Bessie E. *13 Pike, Florence F. *15 Preedy, Mrs. Arthur C. (H . Roberta Tewksbury) *31 Prossor, Lois E. ’23 —Rattray, Marjorie *31 *Richert, Sophia ’18

Rouse, Marguerite L. ’25 — Rutledge, Chester ’21 — Rutledge, Mrs. Chester ’20 — Schlichter, W . A. — Schlichter, Mrs. W. A. Scoville, Ralph ’18 Scoville, Mrs. Ralph (Helen Small) ’18 Snow, Mrs. A. W. (Julia Stunkard) — Sutherland, Mrs. George (Magdalene M. Berthold) ’24 — Swartwout, Mrs. S. C. (Martha Schorsch) ’18

McDuff, Esther *15 Pietsch, Timothy *33 *Tashiro, Kinji *31 KOREA

— Chandler, Raymond G. *32 — Chandler, Mrs. Raymond G. (Mabel A. Axwortny) *32 Chung, James *17

Taylor, Edward E. ’23 Thoering, Leona S. ’20 Todd, Hazel ’19 Toone, Mrs. Aubrey A. (Caroline L. Kay) ’18 Walton, Nathan ’29 Walton, Mrs. Nathan (Lois Whipple) *29 Walton, Oscar F. *24 — Weeks, Pearl *13 Welles, Mrs. Marshall P. ( Helen L. Antisdale) *29 i —Weston, Mrs. E. C. (Hazel Smith) *31 Whipple, Elden C. *24 Whipple, Mrs. Elden C. ’29 Wilson, Goldie *25 Wilson, Mrs. Kenneth (Eleanor Blackstone) Woodberry, Ora *39 ——Woods, Rachel *24 Woosley, Laura M. ’30 Yong, John K. CU BA — Bender, Robert David - —Evans, Stanley T. *22 Hammond, Lucy H. — McAllister, Edgar Hill *27 E G Y P T Leal, Martha *24 Mitchell, Henry *17 — Reeder, Mrs. Headley (Dorothy Thompson) ’22 Seiver, Mrs. Rachel *25 EU R O P E — Barnhouse, Donald *15 Christoffersen, Tordis *29 Derchar, Andrew Faulkner, Karl *37 — Janzen, Mrs. Samuel (Narsa White) E.S. — Martin, Victor, E.S.

Davie, Minnie C. *29 Hendrix, Daisy *24 Hill, Harry J. *12 Hill, Mrs. Harry J.

(Mary Ella Ross) ’14 Lee, Soonhi, *36 Park, Mrs. Nora *31 — Rech, Mrs. Francis C. (Helen Yeths) *26 MEXICO — Amend, Josephine, B.Ch. Ed. ’38 Pike, Mrs. K. (Evelyn Griset) (Elsie C. Huntamer) *37 PALESTINE — Davis, Jay E. *19 — Davis, Mrs. Jay E. — Kimber, J. A. Morris ■—Widmer, H. E. *23 PHILIPPINES — Beatty, Clifton M. *17' ‘^r-Dunlop, John W. *15 — Dunlop, Mrs. John W. Fisk, Samuel (Leila M. Jamison) *21 France, Bethel *24 Grospe, Felix *22 • Hinkley, Helen *22 LaPorte, Otho P. D. *20 McAnlis, Mrs. William Rohrbaugh, Olive *17 — Scheidt, Ellen *20 Scudder, Grace *25 SIAM — Caswell, Dorothy Chrisman, Mrs. Robert M. (Esther Ender) *27 — Fuller, Paul Harrison *22 — Fuller, Mrs. Paul H. (Mary Mathes) Jordan, Mabel L. ’20 Seigle, Albert *14 SOUTH AMERICA Argentina Diem, F. Ernest *21 Hay. Mrs. Alexander R. (Margaret Stuart) *21 Stickney, Newel *37 Stickney, Mrs. Newel

Scherer, WiHiath G. *23 Scherer, Mrs. William G. (Elva Burnham) *23

Weir, Neil *28 Weir, Mrs. Neil


Adams, Marion *33 Anderson, Mrs. Amel (Leila M .) *24 Carlson, Lillian *23

Eddings, Van Vleck *13 Eddings, Mrs. Van Vleck (Gara Van Loenen) — Espino, Mrs. R. (Lorinda Warren) *24 — Fuller, Roy — Fuller, Mrs. Roy (Rebecca Harrison) *27 Genet, Raymond *36 Genet, Mrs. Raymond (Elizabeth Gillis) *36 Hallner, Mabel *24 Hoskihg, Dorothy *33 — Jackson, George W. *25 — Jackson, Mrs. George W. (Agnes Hosie) *26 —-Janzen, Mrs. Wesley (Dorothy Garrison) *24 Lewis, Alvin *36

Lima, Elizabeth *37 Olson, Gertrude *24 Olvey, Charles *36 Olvey, Mrs. Charles Raplee, Julius *24 Raplee, Mrs. Julius (Ruth Russell) Rodman, John W. *20 — Rodman, Mrs. John W. (Ethel Freberg) *21 — Tuggy, Arthur *22 [ Continued ^on .page 245]

*Mott, Grace *23 Peters, Walter *23 Pierre, Mrs. Robert

(Helen M. Lapp) *26 — Weber, Mrs. Henry (Jeanne Saucy) *25 (Switzerland) Williams, J. G. Williams, Mrs. J.* G. Winston, John C. Winston, Mrs. John C.

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