King's Business - 1939-06

June, 1939

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


allow fear to hinder him, and neither should we. The spring moves up the stick, repre­ senting golden opportunity, until the green stops it. Green speaks of envy. Often people are hindered by envy from getting the reward they might otherwise receive. The next peg is purple and suggests pride, a common cause for failure. This black peg reminds us of other sins, and they, too, can keep the spring from reaching the crown, even though all the other peg^ have been removed. Now that they are all removed, the spring reaches the crown. God has a reward for

all who will allow the things that hinder to be removed. W e wish that the story of Jeroboam could stop here. But because King Jero­ boam later brought the sin of terrible idol­ atry into his kingdom, the crown was taken away from his son. And for many years afterwards, other wicked kings of Israel were spoken of as those who “did evil in the sight of the Lord, and walked in the way of Jeroboam, and in his sin wherewith he made Israel to sin." W e must let God keep out of our lives the sins that spoil them.

Q ifts R ece iv ed during April, 1939

Honor Roll ..............................._.$ 277.00 "Go Forward” Campaign.......... 1,268.02 China ................. .......,..i..;.._....... 411.00 General Fund ............... ............. 2,991.24 $4,947.26 The. Bible Institute of Los Angeles Incorporât«d planned to take the larger part of the king­ dom away from Solomon’s son. But one tribe would be left to Solomon’s son be­ cause David, Solomon’s father, had truly loved God, and God had promised the throne to David’s family forever. God was going to give the other part of the kingdom to Jeroboam. Jeroboam knew he was to be a king, for the prophet Ahijah had told him so. Jeroboam had to flee to Egypt until it was time for him to be king. But though he had to wait a little while, he found that God always keeps His promises. 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California

P Uunsecrate these little ones to Christ through /uud and /œatit and itdw?!

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Object Lesson A S pring and a K ing

Objects: |A spring from an old window shade, a round stick about two feet long, a small gilt cardboard crown, and five pegs. (Stretch the spring until it is an inch longer than the round stick. The round stick should be small enough to fit inside the spring. Color the stick with gilt paint, and fasten one end to a small base, causing it to stand upright. Place the gilt crown at the top of the stick. Compress the spring, drill a hole in the stick, and insert a peg to which is attached a cardboard question mark. Drill four other holes between the end of the spring and the crown and place the remain­ ing pegs in them.) Lesson: Boys and girls, did you know that a spring could be like a king? This spring is very much like King Jeroboam. Who can tell me in what way it is like him? "It is not far from a crown.” What is holding the spring back from reaching the crown? “A peg with a question mark attached to it.” W e must not let this question mark hold the spring down. Jeroboam did not let doubt and unbelief keep him from receiving the •crown. He could have doubted the prophet Ahijah’s word and refused to take the ten pieces of the cloak when they were offered to him. The next peg which holds the spring back from reaching the crown is yellow, reminding us of fear. Jeroboam did not

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