King's Business - 1939-06

A n A g e d S a i n t W i n s P r i z e

We are sorry to say that many good friends of THE KING’S BUSINESS are asleep to their opportu­ nities. In the May, 1939 , issue we offered a special monthly prize of $ 1 0 .0 0 upon the EASY condition that each of you who competes ( 1 ) send in, within the month, at least TWO ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND A BRIEF LETTER telling your actual experi­ ence in securing the subscriptions; ( 2 ) tell the point Only a few of our many friends took the trouble to write us helpful letters, though the usual num­ ber of subscriptions and renewals were received. Four of the letters received by May 15 (when the present issue of the magazine went to press) are so beautiful and encouraging that we take great pleasure in print­ ing them in full for the enjoyment of all our friends. We believe all will agree that in awarding the prize for the April 15 to May 15 competition to Martha PRIZE LETTER “Enclosed please find an American Express Order to the amount of $2.25, which I am sending to pay for three one-year club subscrip­ tions to THE KING'S BUSINESS (renewals). I thank you for sending the notice th at only two more numbers of the magazine are due be­ fore the expiration of the subscriptions. “I am in my eighty-fourth year of life; should I live until May 18, I shall have reached the eighty-fourth milestone. “In speaking for the magazine, I can only say th at I feel it is increasing in spiritual value as it goes forward. I feel th at this may be the last time I may have the privilege of renewing. “'Yours in the work, “MARTHA M. COLEMAN, Baltimore, Md." “THE KING'S BUSINESS is indeed a fine magazine. Each issue holds much interest for the Christian worker. All my friends to whom I sent subscriptions were much pleased with it. And in one instance of which I know, it was passed on to another party, and she .may have sent the magazine on still farther across those Canadian prairies. “It is different from other Christian magazines. For one thing, it seems easier to pick up and read in one's odd moments than some magazines. Besides, there is a pleasing variety of topics to meet each need.

made which most impressed your prospects with a desire to read THE KING’S BUSINESS, and ( 3 ) send us any constructive criticisms which may help you in securing subscribers. For club organizers, this prize offer is IN ADDI­ TION TO the liberal commissions (7 5 c for each sub­ scription to be added to Clubs of 3 to 9 ; and 80c for each subscription to be added to Clubs of 10 or more). M. Coleman, of Baltimore, Md., for her deeply spirit­ ual letter, and for the three subscriptions sent, we have made the right choice. The letter appears below. Remember, the offer is open for FIVE SUCCEEDING months, covering the interval between May 15 and October 15. But remember also that to qualify, every contestant must send within one month at least TWO ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. ( 2 5 cents additional for each Canadian or foreign subscription.) “As a Sunday-school teacher, I find many points of interest out­ side of the lesson for my growing class of high-school girls. Since they always desire something new, it keeps one busy searching. How­ ever, the Lord never fails me, but always sends just the right thing along to fill the need at hand. “The children's page is always helpful, as one can often use those simple stories in various ways. (Taken from an order for one sub­ scription.) “M. L . BATCHELDER, Tacoma, W ash." “Will you kindly send me THE KING'S BUSINESS for May. I am sorry I have neglected to write before. I wish that I could interest more people in this valuable magazine. As for myself, I enjoy it very much. I have been teaching my Sunday-school class out of it, and have taken it for several years. The Bible instructions are wonderful. I am sending a check for $1.50 for two club subscriptions. God bless you. “MRS. C. E . ANDRES, Ferndale, W ash." “Your KING'S BUSINESS is a marvelous magazine. I have received many blessings from reading it. (Taken from an order for two subscriptions.) “VELMA CARL, Los Angeles, Calif."


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make a special effort along these lines in the next five months. Prizes for Subscriptions and Letters In order to stimulate interest, THE KING'S BUSINESS asks that each organizer write a letter when sending in subscriptions. We want your letter to (1 ) Tell of your actual experience in secur­ ing the subscription; (2 ) Tell the point that you made which most impressed your prospect with a desire to read THE KING’S BUSINESS, and (3 ) Send us any constructive criticisms which may help you in securing sub­ scribers. Prizes to be Awarded Monthly Each month for the next five months, to and including October 16, we will award one prize of $10.00 for the letter that we believe con­ tains the most helpful suggestions to our other organizers. It is understood that we may pub­ lish any of the letters mailed, either with or without your address, as you may direct.

There are more than 4,000 Christians who help THE KING'S BUSINESS by organizing subscription clubs among their friends. They are really the people responsible for the minis­ try of this magazine, and we can never be sufficiently grateful for the unselfish efforts that they put forth to place the magazine in the homes of shut-ins, Christian workers, and mis­ sionaries all over the world. Unfortunately they make their Club organizing a midwinter activity as a rule, and hence about 75% of our subscriptions come in during and fol­ lowing the Christmas season. Two Subscriptions a Month If each of our organizers would send us an average of just TWO subscriptions each month for the six dull subscription months beginning in May and ending in October, they would more than double the subscription list of THE KING'S BUSINESS. The effect would be beneficial to the persons involved because we could secure a better price for our advertising, and thus we could increase the size and depart­ ments in the magazine. We do not believe this work would entail great effort. And this ad­ vertisement is an appeal to these organizers to T ke 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET

Please remember th at no letter will be con­ sidered for a prize unless you send TWO sub­ scriptions with the letter. You may send them in on the FU L L PAYMENT PLAN or the PRO RATA PLAN with which you are doubtless familiar (see page 150, April, 1939, issue), and we are sure they will cost you very little effort. You may a ct as a paid representative and deduct your commissions, or you may a ct as the secretary for a club and without profit merely aid us in our effort to increase our reader list, as you prefer. Your letters will be considered equally for the prize, and we shall be very grateful indeed for the help that you extend. Realizing that many of our organizers are working without compensation, we published in our May issue a list of books from which you may select any title in proportion to the number of subscriptions that you send during the current year. Please note that the number of books is limited, and to secure the title wanted you should send the club at once. Sample copies and representative's supplies are available upon request. You can count upon us to do all in our power to assist you.

Please address, Circulation Manager H i n a '* S u A i n e A A *


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