King's Business - 1939-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

June, 1939

J. Holmes, statistical expert, writing in a British journal dealing with Population Problems. Legitimate births have dropped 50% in the last generation in this country, but illegitimate births have risen 100%. Business Firm Cooperates with Biota As an evidence of the growing interest on the part of business firms and the general public to try to do their part in assisting a worthy cause, the offer of the firm of Tucker and Carlson, Tailors (appearing on this page), is an example. For a limited time, this firm will donate a certain per­ centage of its sales to a Student Loan Fund at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. OUR LITERATURE TABLE Seven Great Aspects of the Holy Spirit’s Work By CHARLES H. ASHMAN Filled with doctrinal teaching and a positive message, this booklet in a practical manner presents truths concerning the Holy Spirit. The use of alliteration makes the outline simple and easy to follow. In its sane, Scriptural treatment linked with an inspirational tone, the discussion offers real help to those who desire to know the reality and presence of the Third Person of the Godhead. 16 pages. Charles H. Ashman, 510 W. Orange Dr., Whittier, Calif. Paper. Price 10 cents. The Hope of the Ages By ARNO CLEMENS GAEBELEIN Presenting in orderly fashion the fruit of many years of scholarly investigation, Dr. Gaebelein sets forth constructively the Messianic prophecies and the doctrine of the premillennial return of Christ. He discusses this great hope of the church as taught in the Word of God and then traces its his­ tory through the centuries. He deals adequately with a host of objections to literal fulfillment of prophetic truth, showing in specific passages the weakness of the “spiritualizing” or “figurative” methods of interpretation. Though recognizing the fanaticism and the as­ sociation with false cults which have brought into disrepute the teaching of this doctrine, the author shows it to be the view held by great Biblical schol­ ars of the past and present. The Hope of the Ages is a remarkable book, rich in material for all who desire to know and to present faithfully this aspect of “all the counsel of God.” 187 pages. Our Hope Publications. Cloth. Price $1.00. The Jew and His Destiny By EDWARD H ILA RY MOSELEY Recently revised and greatly amplified, this vol­ ume places in the hands of the student or preacher of the prophetic Word a wealth of readable ma­ terial on Scripture prophecy and present-day in­ formation concerning the Jew. Subjects consid­ ered include Biblical history and prophecy, secular Jewish history since xhe time of Christ, and recent commercial developments in Palestine. In a few of the statements about Jewish influence in finance, readers may wish for more careful citing of sources. The writer is a premillenarian and points to Israel’s history as a mighty evidence of the in­ spiration of the Word of God. 194 pages. E. H. Moseley, Gainesville, Tex. Cloth, $1.00; paper, 60 cents. Songs in the Night By CHARLES EDWARD H EW IT T Calling attention to the fact that “the nightingale gives forth its song . . . at midnight,” the author makes this application: “thus the spirits of the re­ deemed of the Lord have sung their sweetest hymns of praise in the midnight of their mortal trouble; for Christ is their Lord ‘who giveth songs in the night.* *’ Instead of chapters, there are fourteen “songs” presented in the book—each one being a meditation centering in a person or per­ sons to whom trouble became a means of grace. It is “for birds with broken wing” that the writer desires to have a particular ministry of encour­ agement and- hope. 124 pages. Loizeaux Brothers. Cloth. Price $1.00. Writing of the “Holy Spirit . . . the Adminis­ trator, the Executive of the Godhead; not a theory, but a reality; not a vision or an experience, but a Person,** Dr. Smith presents, in thirteen powerful chapters, conditions necessary to be met in the life of every* Christian. The book is the out­ growth of a crisis in his own life, and its prayerful reading, under the blessing of God, surely will lead to spiritual crisis and victory in other lives. 120 The Spirit Is Working By OSWALD J. SM ITH

Glimpses o f P au l A FASCINATING BOOK Very timely for the Sunday School Lessons In 15 vivid sketches it presents the high-lights of Paul's dramatic career.—Damascus, Arabia, The Temple Vision, Tarsus, Antioch, A Sharp Contention, A Thorn in the Flesh, Miletus, Felix, Shipwreck, " I Have Kept the Faith”—these and other “glimpses” will delight you. PRESS COMMENT MOODY MONTHLY— “A delightful little book.” LUTHERAN COMPANION— “ Faith is the dominant word.” EVANGELICAL BEACON— “ Not Just another biog­ raphy.” S. S. TIMES— “ Full of unexpected spiritual lessons.” KING’S BUSINESS— “ It captivates the heart and mind.” MISSIONARY BROADCASTER— “ Very valuable.” DEFENDER— “ Undoubtedly one of the most thrilling and inspiring narratives on the life of the great Apostle, published in recent years.” Buy it for your class members at our very special price of 6 for $1.00. Less than 6 copies 25c each. Satisfaction— or your money back. (Eljrtattan Hrrtrtrv Press Select Christian Literature and Tracts 40 Assorted Tracts— 25c P. O. Box 174K Moline, 111. ARE YOU THIS PERSON? Christian man (or woman); age 18-60 (say); living in city or town; free all or part of day; good health; missionary in spirit; eager to promote the Gospel in own or nearby community; needing fair financial remuneration. I f S o , W e N e e d Y O U Ask (without obligation) for particulars about “colportage” work. Please mention this paper. BIBLE IN ST ITU T E COLPORTAGE ASS*N 810 North Wells St. Chicago, 111. Custom Tailoring AT ITS BEST A label that spells character c(Ducker and Qarlson TailorstoMenandWomen Tremendous stock of foreign and domestic woolens. Suits * O’Coats * Tuxedos Made to your measure from $28 .5 0 W e also sp ecialize in clerical garm ents 90-day, three-payment charge accounts invited.

handicapped, as appears to be the inevitable prospect if Japan achieves her ends in that land. God is still the God of nations, the righteous God, the omnipotent God. He still hears and answers prayer, and prayer still changes things. And thus, with the Psalmist of old, “I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope. My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning.” teaches a week-day children’s class and a young people’s class in personal work. Married Robert W . Dixon and Annie Maude Ful­ ton, ’26, Mar. 30, San Salvador, El Salva­ dor, C.A. W . Lloyd Purser, '36, and Betty R. But­ ler, Apr. 9, Riverside, Calif. James W . Tatham and Martha L. Frey, ’37, Apr. 6, Delano, Calif. George T . Tobelmann and Grace Pietsch, Apr. 29, Los Angeles, Calif. Born To Wm. Harllee and Mrs. Bordeaux (Aghavni Hagopian, ’31), a daughter, Joyce Marie, May 10, Los Angeles, Calif. To G. J. and Mrs. Milldrum (Johanna Regier), a son, Gordon John, Jr., May 5, Chico, Calif. To B. K., Jr., and Mrs. Proctor (Lillian Pierson, ’37), a daughter, Genevieve Lil­ lian, May 5, Pasadena, Calif. To Eugene M. (’30) and Mrs. Riddle, a daughter, Jean Allisen, Apr. 7, Los Angeles, Calif. To Arthur W . (’22) and Mrs. Tuggy (Edith Lee, ’20), a son, David William, Apr. 7, Los Angeles, Calif. VIEWS AND REVIEWS [Continued from page 213] morality” were being used by students in some of the schools. The printed record of the investigating committees listed a number of books and magazines, “required reading" in the schools, which taught communism in one or another of its immoral forms. Congressman Jacobsen of Iowa characterized one of the books used by pupils as “indescribably vile.” Although much discussion was aroused at the time regarding the "school scandal” in our nation’s capital, the sub­ versive influences in the schools continued to operate undercover, according to Mr. Blanton. Official records for last year reveal the immoral harvest resulting from the sowing of immoralism among students. Out of 1,044 illegitimate births recorded for the District of Columbia, 234 of the births were by mothers of 16 years of age and under. Several were only 11, and a number were 12 and 13. Out nation’s capital has one of the high­ est rates of illegitimacy in the nation. Its rate for last year was 7.1% of all births. The percentage of illegitimate births for the nation is 3.8%. The rate of illegitimacy for the entire na­ tion is rising year by yedr, according to S. FAMILY CIRCLE [Continued from page 243]

We will contribute to a Special Student Loan Fund at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, the sum equal to 10% of the business se­ cured through this ad providing this notice is b r o u g h t to our store a t time of purchase. This offer e x p i r e s August 1, 1939. MAIL INQUIRIES SOLICITED

TUCKER and CARLSON 448 S. Broadway • Los Angeles, Calif. Established 1910

pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. Price 50 cents.

The Victorious Christ By CHARLES T. BA LL

Twelve sermons that unfold various aspects of Scriptural truth are found in this helpful volume. The messages reveal the reverent and earnest spirit of the author, and they are rich in both Scripture and illustration from daily life. By their simplicity they should clarify many points for those who need fuller understanding of the atonement, of problems in the Christian life, or of the premillennial return of Christ. 160 pages. American Publishing Co., 400 Main St., Fort Worth, Texas. Cloth. Price $1.00.

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