A simple question, should you take a pill to mask your pain, or should you try to fix the underlying cause? It seems like almost every news broadcast these days features a story about a disturbing cluster of drug overdoses, with the word “opioid” prominently featured. So why are these prescription drugs -- which after all, are legal if they were prescribed to the user -- so much in the news these days?
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Dry Needling What is dry needling, and how can it help you?
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Health+Fitness N E W S L E T T E R
WHY YOU SHOULD DITCH THE MEDS FOR PHYSICAL THERAPY A simple question, should you take a pill to mask your pain, or should you try to fix the underlying cause?
Beyond extreme physical risk, over-reliance on prescription painkillers canhaveotherdetrimentaleffectsonyourhealth.Withdrawalsymptoms can be harrowing.Andwhileyou’re still using them, opioids can lead to depression, which sets up a vicious cycle of self-medicating in order to feel better emotionally as well as physically. HOW PHYSICAL THERAPY COUNTERS THE PROBLEM It’s important to get real about the reason people seek prescription painkillers in the first place -- the pain. These patients are not to be condemnedforseekingrelieffor injuries,arthritisandotherdegenerative conditions,orforpost-surgicaldiscomfort.Atthesametime,however, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that medications like Percocet, Vicodin, Opana and OxyContin are extremely addictive. Physical therapy, on the otherhand, is so effective because it provides a multi-pronged attack to pain relief. First, therapists can help lessen the immediate pain through heat or ice therapy, lasers, aswell as low-pulse electronicequipment.Targetedmassageandgentlestretchingalsoeases extreme discomfort when tension or stiffness is part of the problem. In addition, physical therapy works to eradicate the actual source of yourpain. So, ifweak muscles aren’t supporting an aching bodypart, for example,yourtherapywilladdressthisunderlyingcause.Flexibilitymoves canalsocontributetopainreliefbecausestiffening jointsoftenexacerbate discomfort, or lead to over-reliance on nearby, overstressed muscles.
It seems like almost every news broadcast these days features a story about a disturbing cluster of drug overdoses, with the word “opioid” prominently featured. So why are these prescription drugs -- which after all, are legal if they were prescribed to the user -- so much in the news these days? And what can you do if you’re torn between not filling your own prescription, versus seeking relief for your very real pain? WHY OPIOID OVERUSE MATTERS Both opioid prescription rates and deaths from opioid overdoses have quadrupled in the last two decades. Given these identical statistics, one can’t escape the obvious conclusion: Reliance on painkillers has gotten out of hand, and the consequences can be literally fatal. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), doctors now write so many opioid prescriptions each year that it translates to one bottle peradult living in the U.S.Ofthe 330,000 people whodied fromdrugoverdoses in2015,50percent involvedprescription painkillers. Just as ominous is the discovery that people who become addicted to prescription opioids are 40 times more likely to become addicted to heroin.
WHY PT IS BETTER THAN RX It’s important to remember that not every prescription is bad or dangerous, and that you don’t have to “suck it up,” refusing all painkillers. But there are specific conditions under which the CDC recommends trying physical therapy first: • The pain has persisted for three months. After the 90-day mark, pain is considered chronic, meaning that painkiller use would also hit the dangerous 90-day mark. This can certainly lead to addiction. • The source of the problem is in the knees, back or hips, or stems fromfibromyalgia. Physical therapyhas proven especiallyeffective in these situations. • The “risk vs. reward” question tilts more heavily toward “risk.” There are certainly diseases which cause intense pain and for which opioids help patients to function, or at least to remain comfortable. But when the condition could be better managed with physical therapyorothertreatment, as opposed to addictive pills, the “reward” of taking the painkillers doesn’t merrit the risk. Are you wondering whether your pain should be addressed with PT first?Wewill giveyou a thorough evaluation foryourspecific condition. Should our trained staff determine that physical therapy can make a real difference in eradicating your pain, we’ll give you an honest timetable and a safe strategy to avoid prescription painkiller overuse.
Matt Lopez is a physical therapist who specializes in outpatient orthopedic rehabilitation.Hehasspent the last 7 years working at Iberia Sports and Rehabilitation treating all types of injuries, including
joint replacements and sports and work injuries as well as chronic pain patients. Matt is a native ofNew Iberia and completed his undergraduate studies in exercise science at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.HecontinuedhiseducationattheUniversity ofSouthAlabama,andgraduatedwithaDoctorateof PhysicalTherapy in2012.Matthasspecialtytraining in dynamic taping and is certified in dry needling. In his spare time, Matt enjoys spending time with his wife Brinkley and their 1 year-old daughter Malia. Matt also enjoys weight lifting and running obstacle course races.
If you want to reap the benefits of physical therapy, schedule your consultation today by calling Iberia Sports & Rehab at 337.367.3331!
Learn more about Matt and our other physical therapists by visitng our website at isrehab.com!
4 medium zucchini, spiralized
• • •
2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tsp Italian seasoning 1/2 tsp red crushed chili pepper flakes (optional) 3 tbsp butter (or substitute 2 tbsp olive oil)
• • • • • •
1/2 lb ground turkey
1/2 cup shredded cheese 1 crumbled bouillon cube
• • •
lemon juice salt (to taste)
1 tbsp hot sauce
black pepper (to taste)
1 cup chopped cilantro 4 cloves garlic, grated
Forturkeymeatballs: Combinegroundturkey,cheese,gratedgarlic,Italianseasoning,bouilloncube,red chilipepperflakes,choppedcilantroandblackpepper inabowl.Mixwellwithyourhandsorfork to form medium balls.Arrange the turkeymeatballs on a plate and set aside. Melt 2 tbsp butter in a large skillet overmedium-low heat. Cook the turkey meatballs for8-10 min on all sides until cooked through.While cooking,baste themeatballswith themixofbutterand juices.Remove toacleanplateandsetaside. For zucchini noodles: In the same skillet, melt remaining 1 tbsp of butter; then add lemon juice, hot sauce, mincedgarlic,and redpepperflakes.Addzucchininoodlesandcook for3-4min, stirring regularly,until zucchini is done but still crisp and juices have reduced a bit.Adjust seasoning with salt and pepperand garnishwithmorecilantroorparsley.Pushzucchiniononesideoftheskilletandaddtheturkeymeatballs back to thepanandreheat foraboutaminute.Serve immediately.
a few hours and two days. Recommendations vary depending on the amount of soreness you have and on the individual response to treatment, but may include applying heat or ice overthe area, gentle stretchesandmodificationsofactivities. Wealsorecommenddrinking a lot of fluids/water to prevent any excessive amounts of soreness. Like any treatment, there are possible complications. While complications are rare in occurrence, they are real and must be considered prior to giving consent for treatment. Side effects to be expected after the treatment include muscle soreness of the treated area, fatigue, and slight dizziness ,although all of these are minimal. Depending on your level of soreness, heat, ice, or gentle stretching is recommended after having the procedure done. It takes 2 minutes to 72 hours for the lesions to heal. Once you feel that moment of healing, email us so we can determine what type of responder you are and when we should see you again. ACUPUNCTURE VS DRY NEEDLING Acupuncture and dry needling, while using the same needle types, are two very different treatments. Traditional Acupuncture is used for the diagnosis and treatment of pathological conditions including visceral and systemic dysfunction, while dry needling is used for the assessment and treatment of myofascial pain syndromes and dysfunction due to myofascial trigger points, tension areas, muscle spasms, and/or increased tonicity. Dry Needling is a form of therapy that is designed to alleviate symptoms from Trigger Points or muscle spasms. AnyPhysicalTherapistswith specialized training and skills can offer Dry Needling. To learn more about dry needling or to schedule your appointment,contactyourphysicaltherapistat IberiaSports&rehab by calling 337.367.3331!
WHAT IS DRY NEEDLING? Dry Needling involves inserting a tiny monofilament needle in a muscle or muscles in order to release shortened bands of muscles and decrease trigger point activity. This can help resolve pain and muscle tension, and will promote healing. This is not traditional Chinese Acupuncture, but is instead a medical treatment that relies on a medical diagnosis to be effective. WHO CAN BENEFIT? DryNeedling isavaluableandeffectivetreatmentformusculoskeletal pain. Patients with the following symptoms may benefit from this treatment: • Muscle Strains • Tendonitis • Osteoarthritis • Bursitis • Decrease Mobility/Range of Motion • Headaches • Chronic Pain WHAT TO EXPECT FROM TREATMENT? Most patients report being sore after the procedure. The soreness is described as muscle soreness over the area treated and into the areas of referred symptoms. Typically, the soreness lasts between
Call and consult with a physical therapist at Iberia Sports & Rehabilitation to discuss your pain and symptoms.
Exercises copyrightof
2. Your physical therapist may suggest exercises or precautionary measures to relieve or avoid pain.
PERONEAL NERVE SLIDER Layonyourbackwithyour legelevatedandonekneeata90ºangle.Slowlystraighten yourkneewhilesimultaneouslybendingyourfootup.Bendyourkneebackdown,while alsopumpingyourankledownwardand inwardas ifpressingthebrake inacar.Repeat 6-10 timesoneach leg.
3. If further assessment is needed to find the cause of your paint, your therapist can schedule an appointment with you.
Call 337.367.3331 to talk with your physical therapist and schedule yourappointmentwith Iberia Sports & Rehab today!
Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.
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