Board Converting News, February 13, 2023

Supplier Reports, Part 2 (CONT’D FROM PAGE 28)

The space-saving shorter footprint simplifies the high- speed conveying of unstable small box bundles that com- plicate conventional bundling systems. “EAM-Mosca’s next generation of bundling systems en- ables box makers to take full advantage of faster flexos and bundle splitters in response to increased demand for small boxes. Introduced in 2021 is the five-headed CTV-SoniXs®. An all-electric unitizer designed to allow high throughput when strapping units requiring closer strap spacing, a high- er number of straps per unit or more units per hour. The CTV combines the speed, reliability, and longevity of prior EAM-Mosca SoniXs® unitizers with a narrower version of the SoniXs® strapping head that allows strap spacings as close as nine inches with up to 5 heads per unitizer. “Heads and tracks may be placed at spacings of 9, 9, 23.5, and 15 inches. Three straps can be applied in a sin- gle hit within 18 inches and up to 5 straps can be spaced as wide as 56 inches. The benefit is a higher percentage of single-hit units, enabling the system to approach peak production levels for a wider range of unit load variation and strapping requirements. “Importantly, the narrow version of the SoniXs® seal- ing head is a reconfiguration of the current SoniXs® unit- izer head that has been the key component for the Mosca Unitizer program for well over a decade. Thus, the narrow- er version provides customers with all the performance and reliability of the current SoniXs® unitizer head while accommodating the required strap patterns of small loads with a single platen hit. “Both innovations will allow customers to future-proof their production, especially given the increase in e-com- merce shipments and related small box demand. The resulting combination of higher unit throughput and less stable units requires more straps and faster throughput to maintain bundle or unit load integrity. “EAM-Mosca always strives to be forward-thinking with the goal of helping customers be prepared to handle current packaging trends and to be ready for upcoming changes that might occur six months or six years down the road.” Visit . ENGINEERED RECYCLING SYSTEMS LLC (ERS) Atlanta, Georgia: Mike Carver reports, “ERS, a provider of custom trim removal and dust collection systems for the

paper manufacturing and paper con- verting industries, is extremely proud of the impact that our flagship filter is made in these specific industries and is focused on bringing this tech- nology to a broader marketplace. “The CCM® OCT dust collector is generating a tremendous amount

Mike Carver

of interest from many market segments — and for good reason! The CCM® OCT is the safest, most efficient dust



February 13, 2023

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