

Maybe your next therapist shouldn’t be a therapist

Fall 2024: Pluto’s Impact on Your Life - Transformation


Never have events in the United States seemed so intense. In the world of politics… The assassination attempt of Donald Trump on July 13, 2024; the announcement of Joe Biden on July 21, 2024, that he would not seek re-election in 2024; and the announcement of Kama - la Harris on July 21, 2024, that she would seek presidential office in 2024, just to name a few. In the world of technological advances… AI (artificial intelligence) and the various copyright legal concerns, not to mention the ethical concerns. In the world of economics… While the economy is growing, interest rates are still at high levels at the time of this writing, and individuals are seeing more shrinkflation in products than value for their dollars. But all of this reminds me of 2008 and what followed. In the world of politics… Barack Obama won the Presidential race and Joe Biden, who had dropped out of the Presidential race, became the Vice Pres- ident. In the world of technological advances… Tesla introduced its first car, the Roadster, and Apple introduced the App Store while the Android phone was released to rival the iPhone (released the previous year), giving the world of computer power an open door into our per- sonal lives. In the world of economics… Stock markets plunged and then-President George W. Bush sought an economic recovery plan that not only attempted to correct the subprime mortgage market but also to strengthen the banking industry. So why would 2024, especially this fall quarter of 2024, remind me of 2008? Because of the major paradigm shift, especially in gover - nance, technology, and economy, that Pluto causes as it changes from one sign to another. And because until the time Pluto changes signs, it toggles between the new sign and the old sign for several months. When it finally does change signs, it stays in a sign anywhere from 12 years to 30 years depending on its erratic orbit. Pluto finally entered and stayed in the sign of Capricorn on Novem - ber 28, 2008. Now Pluto is toggling between the sign of Capricorn and Aquarius. When this year began, Pluto toggled back into the sign of Aquarius on January 20, 2024. On May 2, 2024, Pluto turned retro - grade at 02°06 of Aquarius and began its journey back into the sign of Capricorn for the last time in 248 years. On September 1, 2024, Pluto, in retrograde motion, once again re-enters the sign of Capricorn and remains there, turning direct on October 11, 2024, and re-entering Aquarius on November 19, 2024, for the next 18 years and 4 months. As Pluto retrograde re-enters the sign of Capricorn, it’s time to de - termine whether you want to maintain those changes in your life that began in the years 2008 and 2009, or whether you want to release those changes from your life. Pluto is a planet of deep analysis; as a matter of fact, it represents psychoanalysis and therapies in general. Pluto is a gift in that you are able to understand what does and doesn’t work. It all starts with understanding what has changed in your life over all these years. With Pluto in Capricorn, changes focus on your place in society, es- pecially in areas that define your relationship between work time and personal relationships. With all the technological advances, plus the havoc wrecked on your life by COVID, the boundaries between work and personal time in too many cases dissolved. It’s all too easy to find yourself answering those work emails or text messages when you need to be listening to people you love. It’s all too easy to believe being an influencer can increase your financial security by sharing your person - al side with the outside world. During the time period that Pluto was in Capricorn, the concept of strong leadership and good governance also started changing. When Pluto is in Capricorn, there is an expectation leadership needs to be assertive, not passive. Leaders are supposed to have all the answers, and authority is not to be questioned. Yet this can also lead to polar - ization as various leaders have different answers that they expect not to be questioned. With Pluto now retrograde you may want to take the

Eric Weinstein It’s Not Therapy (It’s Problem Solving)

Did you know that: • Licensed therapists are limited to certain approaches by “standards of care” that leave out a number of highly effective healing and personal growth modalities? • Even if you’re paying out-of-pocket for your sessions, your therapist might be unable to use anything “different” because of insurance company requirements and state regulations? I’m not a therapist, but I always have a therapist or two among my clients. They come to me for: • the most ancient healing modality (shamanic healing) • proven, but less conventional modalities (hypnosis/ NLP [Neurolinguistic Programming] and Eye Movement Integration [similar to EMDR, but gentler]) • the most exciting new energy modalities (Energy Psychology, such as EFT or “tapping” on meridian points, biofield work, and chakra manipulation) • Voice dialogue (which one therapist referred to as “Internal Family Systems on steroids”) • intriguing coaching modalities (including True Purpose coaching and Archetypal coaching) And they come for all the same problems they might see a conventional therapist for – as well as problems and questions of a spiritual/energetic nature. So, whether you’ve gotten what you can from talk therapy, want action-oriented approaches, or want a holistic body/ mind/spirit approach, why wait to find out how your life can be better?

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continued on page 22

PATHWAYS—Fall 24—21

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