

Fall 2024 Astrology... ...continued from page 21

time to start asking questions, not just listening to their answers. Economic systems change when Pluto is in Capricorn, and you’ve seen more use of electronic financial transactions. Society has a need to make the exchange of money more uniform. In many ways this is beneficial, especially if you do a lot of traveling; but it can also put you at risk if the various systems aren’t protected properly. With Pluto ret - rograde, this may be a good time to evaluate both your financial plans and the systems you use to protect both the plans and your finances. When Pluto in Capricorn turns direct on October 11, 2024, it’s time to begin implementing changes in your life. Perhaps you decided spending more time with family is important, so it’s time either to find a new job or change your work routine. Or perhaps you’ve decided that with all your financial evaluation you’re ready to do what’s necessary to protect your financial wellbeing. There is a tendency to be more conservative when Pluto is in Capricorn, and you may find yourself turning in that direction. In some ways you’ll even read about people who are looking back and thinking some of the “older ways” are not so bad. One current area, as a matter of fact, is some people are turning to “dumb” phones and only using their smartphones when they have no other option. On November 19, 2024, Pluto leaves the sign of Capricorn and en - ters the sign of Aquarius. As already written, Pluto won’t return to the sign of Capricorn for 248 years. When it enters the sign of Aquarius, it will be in Aquarius until March 9, 2043, or about 18 years and 4 months. The next one or two years will be intense as Pluto enters this new sign. That’s because you realize that while there are changes in so - ciety, these changes are only the beginning. And, while you may have had clues or hints as to some of those changes, you really don’t know how those changes will impact you personally. You do know some of the recent upheavals need to be resolved; or, if not resolved, they need to be used as a platform for moving on with your life. Also with Pluto in Aquarius, you want to find value from the changes that occurred. Where Pluto in Capricorn indicated you were looking for strong leadership as defined by assertiveness and even aggression, Pluto in Aquarius indicates you want a leader who prefers to implement sys- tems that benefit the general population. You’re now looking for sta - bility rather than upheaval. While you may still continue to disagree with others, you no longer want polarization. Aquarius rules the con - cept that equity can somehow be found in the mass consciousness. Economically, Pluto in Aquarius rules fiscal responsibility and fi - nancial equity. There is an increased push to be paid appropriately for work done. The lack of boundaries between work and personal life is grating, and you’ll see more pressure from individuals to regain that distance between the two. As a matter of fact, you may be one of those individuals. AI will continue to increase its presence, but so will virtual reality in areas of education, art, and even leisure. Can’t afford that trip to Europe? Put on the glasses (yes, the cumbersome headset will give way to lighter gear) and feel the experience through a new reality. The greatest advances will occur in the health field as AI writes up your doctor’s reports and prescriptions while virtual reality improves your ability to see health problems from a new perspective. Some of these changes will occur quickly because they are already a platform for future growth; but other changes will take longer, and you may not even realize their impact for several years. What Pluto in Aquarius does represent on a very personal level for many is the desire to take responsibility back and not let others control you. When you interact with others, you want to make certain they care about your needs as much as you care about theirs. This is especially true with leaders. You want them to develop strategies with you in mind. You want solutions to problems, and you want to be a part of those solutions. By experiencing transparency, you also want to understand the changes happening around you, especially technological changes. When Pluto is in Aquarius, you aren’t willing to follow others blindly.

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