

Death and Scorpio... ...continued from page 25

tionship, job, or situation that we maybe knew we had outgrown, but instead of moving on, we stayed out of fear for the unknown? Eventu - ally, with time, staying in these situations can create misery and de- spair. We may feel stuck in that which no longer serves us. However, we all have the ability and power to move forward, and to transcend that which no longer serves us. When the Death card comes into our lives — summoned by our questions about health, love, family, or life events — it is a reminder we are all in a process of evolution. It’s a reminder that for growth or new

Rider-Waite deck, was also alleged to be a member of the Hermetic Order. Thus, the Rider-Waite Tarot illustrations are filled with sym - bolism based on astrology. When comparing the Death card within other Tarot decks, I think of the Lo Scarabeo Santa Muerte Tarot Deck by Fabio Listrani. The Death card is called “ Santa Muerte ”, translating to “ Sacred Death ”. On this card — whose image is also on the deck packaging — the skele- tal figure is pregnant looking over an empty crib. The figure’s hands are crossed, as though in prayer or deep contemplation. An hourglass hangs from the hand, indicating it’s only a matter of time before change occurs. A scythe resting to the left of the figure indicates the need to re - move that which no longer serves us. A yellow orb behind the figure’s head, similar to the sun on the Rider-Waite deck, is a reminder that a new day, a new beginning is upon us; or it could be interpreted as the purification that comes with endings similar to when we sleep at night. The Death card is numbered 13, a number often considered unlucky and plagued with superstition and fear. In t he NYC apartment build - ing where I grew up, Apt. 13 was skipped, and was 12A instead. Hor- ror movies, like the Friday the 13th franchise, further promote these superstitions. In numerology, 13 (1 + 3) reduces to the number four, a number symbolizing law, stability, and order. It’s no coincidence the Major Arcana card in the Tarot numbered 4 is the Emperor, who is ruled by Mars. To quote a Tarot teacher I still work with, “We can ei- ther use the energy of the number 4 to move us to the next level or stay trapped, like a box.” The Death c ard teaches us the same lesson. We can either die, figu - ratively or literally, from refusing to move on or make changes. I think of a patient I had while working in a NYC hospital. The patient was sick but not terminal; however, within about a two-week timeframe, this patient passed away. Be forehand, he had stated he didn’t have the respect of his kids and no longer had a reason to live. He refused med- ications, refused to eat, and refused to participate with loved ones. He had given up hope, and in turn, what could have been a treatable con- dition became his demise. In less extreme cases, how many times have we stayed in a rela-

life to occur we must progress. At a cellular level, the cells in our bodies die and are re- moved so new, healthy growth can occur. It is how our body attempts to maintain homeo- stasis. Marriage is the change from being sin- gle to a coupled life; the introduction of a child signifies the transition into parenthood. The physical loss of par- ents means embrac- ing life as an orphan, whether as a child or an adult. The loss of loved ones means the attain- ment of ancestors. Life is a transitory process, and unfortu- nately, death has been villainized as some - thing cruel or heart- breaking. Losing a loved one is hard, and in no way do I want to

Inhale. Exhale.

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