

Centering Prayer... ...continued from page 29

thoughts! Yes, you do. Return gently to the sacred word and put your mind in your heart. Furthermore, centering prayer is not only a Christian practice. It is for anyone who believes a divine power lives in us and for us; a pow- er that is of love because it is love. Renowned Hindu monk and yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda echoed this sentiment saying, “I relax and cast aside all mental burdens, allowing God to express through me His perfect love, peace, and wisdom.” The gifts of Centering Prayer are numerous and appear over time. Our False Self dies away and we connect and live more and more from our True Self. We gradually misidentify with our emotional programs for happiness and the unconscious needs and reactions of our False self and live through our True self in the Divine. According to Keating, “We can bring the False self to liturgy and even to the reception of the sacraments, but we cannot bring the False self forever to contempla- tive prayer, because it is the nature of contemplative prayer to dissolve it.” Centering prayer nurtures self compassion and compassion for the whole human family. We become more awake. We rewire our minds toward calm and equanimity, reorient our hearts, and spend less time sleepwalking through life. We are more attuned to the Divine presence in ourselves and in the universe. Recommended Reading on Centering Prayer: ● Open Mind, Open Heart and An Invitation to Love , by Thom- as Keating ● “The Heart of Centering Prayer”, from Nondual Christianity in Theory and Practice by Cynthia Bourgeault ● “Practice the Pause”, from Jesus’ Contemplative Practice, New Brain Science, and what it means to be fully human by Caroline Oakes Jena Morrison is a Contemplative Spiritual Companion, teach - er, and retreat leader, transforming people by helping them center on and live from their True Self. She is a fellow traveler and friend on a spiritual journey, companioning people in a confidential and non-judgmental setting. She helps people navigate the struggles of being human, bringing clients awareness, centeredness and peace.​ Jena’s work began in prisons and jails, teaching inmates about their divine center and the divine center in everyone. Today she works with people of all faiths and traditions in-person and via Zoom.

Jeanette Rojas, MA Ed Certified Life and Hypnosis Coach

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), Energy Healing through Higher Consciousness Connections-Past/Parallel Life Regressions & Spiritual Life Coaching Tap into higher consciousness through quantum healing hypnosis, healing past, parallel, and in-between life regressions, regular hypnosis and/or spiritual life coaching. For the last 30 years I have dedicated my life to learning more about and practicing energy healing work through life coaching. My healing journey has helped me understand the power of connecting with a higher consciousness that knows what is best for us. Communicating with our guides, our higher-self, and our own divine intuition can have a transformative result. Let us work together to unlock your inner-joy and strength. Meet me on September 8 at 1:30 pm for a ‘Past Life Regression workshop’ and on October 6 for a ‘Manifesting Abundance’ workshop at The Pearl Wellness Spa & Boutique! Register at


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