

pathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the “fight-or-flight” response. Heightened sympathetic activity can lead to increased heart rate, vascular resistance, and blood pressure. Treatment Options From a functional medicine perspective, the treatment of hyper- tension often involves a holistic approach that includes dietary mod- ifications, lifestyle intervention, and targeted supplementation. Here is an overview of some essential elements necessary for managing hy- pertension. Dietary Recommendations A healthy diet and weight are the first line of defense, especially when supported by emphasizing a plant-based, whole foods diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats; or a Mediterranean style diet of fish, lean meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits, and some nuts, but with no seed oils or refined sugar intake. Increase consumption of po - tassium-rich foods, such as leafy greens, bananas, and avocados; and incorporate anti-inflammatory foods like fatty fish, berries, and tur - meric. Reduce intake of processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and sodium; and reduce or eliminate alcohol. And for all meals, portion control is key. Lifestyle Modifications Habits encouraging health and wellness are critical for preventing and/or managing hypertension. Engage in regular physical activity, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling, to improve cardiovascu- lar function and reduce blood pressure. Incorporate stress-reducing techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and Yoga. In addition, don’t underestimate the importance of adequate sleep; aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night, as sleep deprivation can contribute to hypertension. Lastly, quit smoking, as this habit can have a detrimental impact on blood pressure, and overall health in general. Targeted Supplementation Supplements are an important part of the functional medicine ap- proach to hypertension management. They can address specific nutri - tional or metabolic deficiencies or imbalances, as well as inflamma - tion. In addition, they bolster endothelial and cardiovascular function, provide antioxidants, and improve insulin sensitivity and blood pres- sure regulation. Of the many supplements available as part of treat- ment, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, and potassium are among the most popular. Additional supplements particularly for reducing inflammation include: curcumin (compound in turmeric), Resveratrol, Boswellia Serrata (herbal extract), and Quercetin. The following supplements are specifically for metabolic support: magnesium glycinate or mag - nesium citrate, chromium, Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA), Berberine, and cinnamon. As with all treatment plans, it will be important to work with a qualified health care professional to ensure you are taking the right supplements targeted for your individual needs. Acupuncture and TCM for Hypertension For individuals looking for natural alternatives to treat hyperten- sion, both acupuncture and herbal remedies from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are good options. There are specific acupuncture points and meridian patterns com - monly associated with the treatment of hypertension. The specific acupuncture pattern and points used will depend on the individual pa- tient’s presentation and underlying imbalances. Acupuncturists may

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PATHWAYS—Fall 24—33

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