

Cosmic Balance: Discovering the Eternal Masculine and Feminine Principles Within

Initiatic science, as articulated by Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvan - hov, offers a clear understanding of the world of unity, duality and manifestation with the creation of the two principles. From then on, the cosmic moral laws and the corresponding applications that govern all kingdoms follow. This science is grounded in the essential truths revealed in initiations throughout time by all great Masters of human - ity. continued on page 38


Reclaim Your Power, Health, and Life Alice “Alicja” Jones is here to be your loving and gentle guide, teacher, and healing facilitator. Learn • READ her new book, “Own Your Power Day by Day: 365 Meditations for Clearing Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Blockages to Becoming your Higher Self” • REGISTER for a certified Reiki Class. • REGISTER for A Course In Miracles study group meeting. Get Guidance • BOOK a Spiritual, Past Life, or Mediumship Reading. • JOIN a YouTube Live session every Friday @ 1pm ET. Find me under “LIVING CONSCIOUSLY” Heal • BOOK a Reiki Session. • ATTEND a monthly healing service at Rays of Healing Church, where Alice is the Lead Minister. • JOIN a weekly virtual Reiki Exchange (for Reiki practitioners of all lineages). Let’s start with the Cosmic Architect, God, represented by the number 1, who eternally lives in unity. When God wished to mani- fest, He polarized himself, becoming the number 2. This act created the two opposite poles, the masculine and feminine principles, as a positive and a negative charge, so to speak. This is not about moral values, or superiority of one over the other, a perspective that belongs to the physical or psychological understanding; rather, it belongs to the spiritual realm, where both principles are equally necessary and indispensable for initiating motion and creation. For instance, just as electricity requires both positive and negative terminals in a device to generate a current, these two principles work together to create life. So, from the world of principles, where the eternal masculine and eternal feminine were created, an attraction (or a reciprocity) between these opposite poles was set in motion, establishing circulation and ensuring evolution. This is how the universe was born, and it applies to all domains: spiritual, psychological and physical. The manifesta- tion of these two principles is evident everywhere, in nature and in human beings alike. We often link the masculine and feminine principles to genders; but to truly understand this question, we must rise above the physical manifestations and explore the realms of ideas, principles and num- bers from which everything originates. By delving into the essence of these spiritual realities, we can uncover the divine plan, or blueprint of creation, and gain insight into how everything, including ourselves, fits into a harmonious balance.

Functional Medicine At Its Finest Helena Amos, M.Ac., L.Ac., is a licensed acupuncturist and Functional Medicine (FM) practitioner with 30+ years of clinical experience. She treats a full range of conditions and disorders combining modern FM with Traditional Chinese Medicine for expert, patient-centered individualized care.

Functional Medicine-Based Treatment For: • Headaches • Weight Loss

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Please call/e-mail for appointments on Zoom/ FaceTime/phone in Fairfax Station. For spiritual/ past life readings, Reiki instruction/healing or Metatron healing: all held on Zoom. Fairfax Station VA 703-625-7089

• Herbal & Nutritional Supplements & Counseling • Medical Intuitive Sessions… and many more In Oce and Distance Healing Sessions Available Schedule a FREE 20-minute Consultation Acupuncture & Natural Medicine Clinic Helena Amos, M.Ac., L.Ac., Euro. Physician 11140 Rockville Pike, #530, Rockville, MD 20852 301-881-2898

S. Alice (Alicja) Jones is a psychic, medium, and intuitive healer who gives spiritual and past life readings. These messages many times include Past Lives and how they impact your current life, solutions to pressing problems, or a loved one in spirit to comfort you.

PATHWAYS—Fall 24—37

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