

Cosmic Balance... ...continued from page 37

tism to form the child. Both are necessary to produce life. Balance is crucial, for neglecting this balance has led to societal dominance of man through hyper intellectualization. Historical exam - ples, such as the clergy’s disregard for the feminine principle, illus - trate how this imbalance has led to frustration, division and destruc- tion, with the clergy eventually becoming sterile and dying. Women’s increasing leadership roles are evident; but if they are not careful, they will end up losing their hard-earned advantages, and things will re- verse with the problem going on forever. Both parties must acquire wisdom and recognize they are of equal importance in their respec - tive functions. Neither should dominate the other; rather, each should strive for balance within one’s own psyche by developing the qualities and properties of both principles, and not by imitating the behavior or way of life of the other sex. Polarity governs all creation. Without the reciprocity between the polarized elements, there is no expression and no life. Major religious and philosophical traditions often refer to a primitive, androgynous being — a perfect being with the characteristics of both sexes — indi- cating creation is the result of the polarization of unity. Echoing Plato’s story in the Symposium , humans were originally spherical beings with four legs, four arms, two faces, and two genital organs. But, aware of their power, they dared attack the gods, so Zeus split them in half. This separation illustrates our quest for the missing half in order to regain our original wholeness. The story also reveals that when human beings possess both the masculine and feminine principles within, they are like gods. There are so many stories about people seeking their soul-mates, but doing so by going from one partner to another always thinking this time will be the perfect soul-mate. And there is a big difference

This Initiatic Science, or Science of the Initiates, has been known throughout the ages. It is sometimes referred to as ‘the ageless wis - dom’, ‘the Tradition’, esoteric knowledge, and modern or western es - otericism. This science was historically reserved for advanced disci- ples in ancient civilizations like Persia, Egypt, India, and Tibet. Today, however, humanity has evolved to the point where this knowledge is now accessible to everyone, with initiations occurring in everyday life. Following this blueprint of creation, and understanding that we are created in the image of God — but not yet in his likeness (for we are not yet one with Him) — means we carry both principles within us. Our consciousness, still closely tied to material existence, struggles to grasp and integrate these two eternal principles within. The masculine principle seeks to fertilize the feminine principle; and the feminine principle seeks to attract the particles to bring about manifestations, in the image of the Cosmic Spirit infusing the Universal Soul, and the Universal Soul producing new forms. Many elements arise from the interplay of these principles: spirit and matter, involution and evolution, yin and yang, and so forth. Trin- ity is the result of this dynamic interaction: father and mother bring forth a child; acid and base produce salt; electricity and magnetism generate movement. (Some of those aspects will be covered in the talk presented at the Pathways Natural Living Exhibit on Oct. 6.) Returning to the physical realm, we are born as either men or wom- en. Each gender has inherent characteristics based on their sexual or- gans — men with the creative power dispersing the seeds, and women with the formative power attracting the elements with their magne-


ONE HEART • ONE EARTH • ONE LIGHT We seek to cultivate the Timeless Wisdom of Heart! ✧ Aura Photography & Ultra Imaging for Self Realization ✧ Cosmic Spiritual Teachings for Everyday Life ✧ Lifestream Alignment Practice ✧ Energy Aligning & Clearing ✧ Avalonia Sanctuary — A Healing Immersion with Rocks & Trees


38—PATHWAYS—Fall 24

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