

between soul-mates and twin-souls. (That difference is another topic to be covered during the Expo talk on October 6.) In spiritual terms, Initiatic Science encourages us to understand and integrate the masculine and feminine principles within ourselves. Throughout our many incarnations, we have experienced both gen- ders, developing the characteristics and properties of each, gaining knowledge and experience towards a better balance and our perfec- tion. This also means we experience both genders alternately in order to progress. And according to Initiatic Science, we either choose which gender we will be born into, or the Twenty-Four elders will decree which one we need to experience, either through karma or a need to rebalance ourselves. Cosmic balance does not imply a static position but a dynamic os- cillation that allows life to circulate. It involves avoiding extremes and maintaining harmony between the poles, both in our own psyche and in all interactions with others. Understand that polarity extends beyond spiritual and physical realms to our psychological structures as well. Knowing ourselves means understanding our psychic structure, i.e., how we are formed in the workshops of the Lord. (A wonderful illustration of such will be shown during the talk.) Many of us, although in a male or female body, manifest as the op - posite polarity in the mental or emotional worlds. And this is the great secret we must learn: how to polarize ourselves and consciously en - gage in the balancing act; choosing when to be emissive or receptive; and finding a harmonious balance within ourselves, with our partner, friends and associates, and in fact, with all of nature.

Attend our workshop at the Pathways Fall Expo and receive the latest book by The Aquarian Team, entitled A New Humanity is Ris- ing , a $19.99 value); and visit our booth, “The Aquarian Team,” with the large Omraam poster. Carmen trained as a Yoga teacher where she discovered the es - oteric teaching of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov; she then became an author and is the coordinator of The Aquarian Team. She is an inter - national speaker and presently active on the organizing committee of the Fraternal Forum (Omraam.World). For a deeper exploration, refer to my talk on this topic at www. under the playlist “Towards a Solar Civili - zation” and select “Science of the Initiates .” Holistic Brand Photography In this very noisy world of ours, it can be difficult to reach the people you most want to work with, but I can help you with that! Hi, I’m Tammy Batcha - a holistic brands photographer in the Shenandoah Valley. The work you do is vital. Let’s make it easier for people to find you and for you to find the people you most want to serve. (540) 550-1971

Susan Lynne Using the Laws of Attraction Psychic, Medium, Spiritual Consultant


Private Readings Past Life Regressions Talks Workshops

PATHWAYS—Fall 24—39

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