

1:00 PM

Clearing Your Perpetual Stories Through the Akashic Records Bill Sanda Akashic Records are the vibrational intelligence of every soul and its journey. You can clear your perpetual stories; heal long-standing challenges; and empower future choices! Unresolved experiences of your past lives can help you connect with your eternal Divine Self.

Writing Your Way Through Autumn Lindsey Van Wagner Embrace the beauty and energy of the Fall season with this interactive session designed to inspire reflection on the transformative themes of Fall. Enjoy this opportunity to connect with your inner self and the natural world around you. Explore personal growth, gratitude, and the process of letting go.

Hidden Powers of Ayurvedic Herbs Om Sanduja

Meditate, Journal & Share: Intuition Development Emily Jennings

Modern Meditation Technique Dr. Tom Valone In this one-hour training, learn how to meditate easily and quickly with a simple 3-step technique. Preserving the essence of an ancient practice, Modern Meditation is being offered free of charge. Studies show daily meditation provides stress reduction, brain longevity, increased youthfulness, a peaceful state of mind and amazingly, a “reversal of the usual cortical thinning that occurs with age.”

Ayurveda, an ancient holis- tic healing system practiced in India for centuries, uses herbs as an integral part of its protocol. These natu- ral, potent, plant-based products promote health: mental clarity, radiant skin, lustrous hair, weight man- agement, healthy liver and more. Learn some of the best herbs, their benefits, and how to safely incorpo- rate them daily to support health goals.

Open a channel for clear intuitive downloads and learn to tell the difference between messages from your inner voice vs. the ego-mind. This workshop includes light instruction, meditation, journaling, and sharing! When we meditate together and then share our soul messages, the energy is powerful for transformation.

2:00 PM

Reading Past Lives Liora Brunn You can perceive past lives for yourself and for others. Attune to the Akashic Records and experience the seamless- ness of accessing eternal information that really can make a difference in life today.

De-Shamify: Unraveling Sex Myths & Embracing Sexual Authenticity Alisa Millard Join me for a transformative workshop where we debunk myths, explore desires, and celebrate sexual diversity. Discover your authentic self in a safe, inclusive space. Open to all genders and orientations.

How KAP Impacts Mind, Body, Spirit in One’s Healing Journey Dr. Lauren Fisher and Dr. Eleni Boosalis Learn about Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) from Psychedelic- Trained Psychotherapists. Discuss what the risks and benefits are and who is a good candidate. Learn about the KAP process and how Ketamine supports a holistic approach to addressing mind, body, and spirit. Presentation will conclude with an audience Q&A.

Know Your Chakras and Change Your Life Rishi Hans You get controlled by your destiny when your Chakras are blocked because of limiting beliefs, fears, false notions, emotional blocks, generational patterns, negative thoughts and mind set imposed in your journey of life. Rishi Hans guides you to harness the power of your Chakras and start controlling your own destiny.

Cosmic Balance: Discovering the Eternal Masculine and Feminine Within Carmen Froment In this theme of “Cosmic Balance: discovering the eternal masculine and feminine within”, we will review how these two principles exist everywhere in the universe and within us. The question is about keeping them in balance to ensure a harmonious relationship with ourselves, our partners and others.

PATHWAYS—Fall 24—47

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