

3:00 PM

Psychic and Medium Reading Demonstration SunPsychic Jean SunPsychic Jean will demonstrate psychic and medium readings along with answering questions about her process and answering questions about your mysterious spiritual experience too.

Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel Maurice Bell and Jacobs Ladele Discover your past lives and how they affect your life today. Learn to recall memories of past lives. Unlock the hidden meaning of your dreams. Soul — your true self — never sleeps. Soul Travel, a close cousin to dreaming, is a natural ability. Soul Travel is simply a shift in consciousness.

Living Through the Biggest Change in Human History: Preparing for the Next Three Years John L. Petersen, Futurist Internationally known futurist, John Petersen, illuminates the unprece- dented events and trends driving the biggest change in human history. What’s happening, where it’s going, and what you can do to be prepared for this extraordinary change.

In the Service of Divine Evolution Rev. Ingrid Jolly-Trayfors Let’s take a journey on “Creations Wheel of Living Light” and meet a mighty celestial team of “One Heart, One Earth & One Light” where divinely inspired creativity is a powerful reality in the unity of serving Divine evolution. Reserve your space in the Spiritual World Hierarchy.

Vastu for Prosperity and Peace Padmaja Mummaneni VASTU is the original wisdom of sustainable design and architecture. A supportive science of Ayurveda and Yoga, ancestor of Feng-Shui. Workshop discusses various aspects of Vastu impacting health and happiness, remedial measures within one’s living space at home or offi ce.

4:00 PM

Everyday Spirituality: Intuition or Coincidence? Spiritual Medium Rhonda Join Spiritual Medium Rhonda and learn how to connect with Spirit! Connecting with Spirit is not an elusive thing. Discover ways we can connect to Spirit on a daily basis. Hear about Rhonda’s own Spiritual journey; learn how the steps she took, and how learned discernment can resonate with others’ own experiences.

You Have Your Answers Within to Unfold and Live Your Life Purpose Abundantly Mara Spencer Discover the secret of your life purpose and if you are on track to accomplish it. Through techniques, experience the power of your spiritual energy and your four psychic abilities to create more joy, abundance and fulfillment.

Sacred Death — Death Cafe Format Hemali Vora Come join and talk about death, loss, and grief. Learn about the role of the Death Doula. Learn about burial options and living funerals. Why having your affairs and all paperwork in order is so important.

Get Out of Your Own Way Shannon N. Smith An interactive discussion on 3 common mistakes that stop your goals in their tracks and keep you from getting what you really want.

Creating Pure Far Infrared Light Patricia Scott

Patricia Scott will explain the power and dynamics of the relaxed sauna’s far infrared energy, how it works, and how to use it, as well as review the supporting research.

48—PATHWAYS—Fall 24

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